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View Full Version : Best Neo Cd/Neo Geo emulator?

November 26th, 2007, 02:36
I found a neo geo pocket emulator neopop0.71.15 which im presuming is full speed and the best one out?

I found nj's (bundle) emulator but is that the best neo geo/neo cd emulator there is for the psp? and how does it run? full speed?

Thanks for any advice

November 26th, 2007, 11:17
i guess il ask somewhere else then, since nobody here knows :(

November 26th, 2007, 16:47
Grab the latest builds from NJ's site... everything runs perfect and at full speed.

Nuff said. :)

November 27th, 2007, 11:30
Grab the latest builds from NJ's site... everything runs perfect and at full speed.

Nuff said. :)

Wow full speed :D Thanks mate