View Full Version : CryptoCast #006 - Konnichiwa, bitches!

November 29th, 2007, 17:24
The folks at Cryptic Allusion (http://www.cagames.com/) released a new CryptoCast episode:

Below, you'll find the podcast notes for the highly uncensored and very wandering podcast. It's basically a recorded conversation where everyone sat down in one room at my house and talked everything from beer to niche gaming. Hopefully you guys will enjoy this! But beware that it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK (unless you're wearing headphones). We do a bit more cursing than usual, and I'm too tired this week to bleep it all out. Plus, I'm going on a honeymoon tomorrow...sue me ^_^ Enjoy!
CryptoCast 006 - Konnichwa, Bitches!

Direct Download: Linkypoo (http://www.cagames.com/podcasts/CryptoCast-006-20071113-112kbps.mp3)

All apologies for the odd sound quality. The mic I was using is mostly for close-up vocal recording, and we were surrounding it. Some of us behind the cardioid (your's truly) sound like we're in the back of a room, and that's because the mic was picking up the reflections of our voices from the walls in the room. Everything should still be intelligible though.

Street Fighter 4 - Video Link to Capcom's site (http://www.capcom.com/streetfighter/)
Pizza with crazy toppings - Link (http://www.andiamnotlying.com/2007/using-mcdonalds-as-pizza-toppings-this-cannot-have-happened-above-the-mason-dixon-line/)
Here's the picture in which you're supposed to figure out who the statue is of (from TIGSource): Link (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tigsource/1830473600/)
The shirt Pam was wearing: Link on Jinx.com (http://www.jinx.com/world_of_warcraft/women/dance.html?catid=1)

Source - Cryptic Allusion Forums (http://www.cagames.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=875)