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View Full Version : Uk Attacked Again

July 21st, 2005, 15:41
peace to all the good people in the uk the cowards have hit you guys again. hope everyone is okay down with all terriost

July 21st, 2005, 15:46
thanks, but according to the news they were little more than big fireworks, no shrapnel or anything. One person was injured.

I think the terrorists just want people to know they are still there.

July 21st, 2005, 15:56
its very weird, it seems is just detonators only that have gone off, and the one person that was injured was carrying a detonators... its seems that either someone trying to make the point that it still can happen (again) or its a failed attempted.

some one was arrestest 10 mins ago near downing street by armed police

July 21st, 2005, 15:58
Those jerks, I hope they bust them and send them to prison.

July 21st, 2005, 23:31
glad to see no one was killed almost hope it was a copycat then the same group as last time. im really surprised that something like this hasnt happened in the usa since 9/11/2001.once again nothing but respect to the people of the UK