View Full Version : MMS v0.1

December 6th, 2007, 17:48
via pdroms (http://www.pdroms.de/)

Tommy & Mats released their new application MMS today.

Here are the release notes:

Tada! We are ready to release our native MMS application for the iPhone! Note, this is a v0.1 release that is not feature complete! Specifically, it is NOT possible to receive MMSs yet.

Before you can send any MMSs you must configure your mmsc server and maybe a proxy server in the MMS's Settings panel. The settings are available from your operator. For example, my configuration settings are:
mmsc: mmsc.tele2.se
but you must use your operator's settings.

Note, to send MMSs you must be communicating over EDGE/GPRS. In other words, if you are using WiFi you must disable that service.

As stated before, this first release is pretty rough and can only send MMSs. But we will develop it further, making the GUI a bit more polished and add the capability to receive MMSs. You can support our development efforts by making a small donation.

We will make this release available via Installer but you can download the files now from here. Unzip, copy files to /Applications/MMS.app/ and chmod +x mms.

Have fun!
Tommy & Matshttp://blog.swirlyspace.com/