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View Full Version : Join Pirates of Burning sea beta!

December 7th, 2007, 19:39
via Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=89007)

Koch Media and Sony Online Entertainment have set sail on the Pirates of the Burning Sea open beta.

To celebrate we will be drinking rum, tickling our fancy, plundering ports and offering you scurvy dogs a free pass to the testing. After you swab the decks and shiver my timbers, arr?

All you have to do to claim your free open beta key is board our Eurogamers community ship and pop one in your sack of booty. Simply log in and head over that way for your treasure, or quickly register to join the hassle-free voyage of a lifetime or something.

Pirates of the Burning Sea is persistent online world based around muskets, cutlasses, beards and parrots. It lets you journey back to the golden age of piracy in the eighteenth century and hobble across rolling decks, barking orders at real-life friends as you set sail on the open waters in search of your pieces of eight.

It all looks rather good, too, as we told you in our recent preview. Pirates had to offer new things because it was far from traditional high fantasy and its staple dungeon crawling, and serve new riches it has, prompting us to call it "an MMO to stand out from the same-faced crowd".