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View Full Version : Emulator's files help

February 25th, 2005, 12:34
Yes its me again the new member..
Look iam facing alot of problems with the emulators files.To tell you the truth iam newbie at this part.I got my own pc some days ago and as you can understan i need some help.
Well lets pick this emulator.......We are now talking about Nester Dc.When i downloaded emu. i had the two folowing files:1)Nester Dc nero image and 2)Nester Dc nero binnaries.......Also when i open one of these for exp:Nester Dc nero image a lot of supported files appearing....like read me.txt which is saying me how to record it with nero.....Ok i big breath for relief and here we go(oh yes iam so newbie :-/)
1)What files are exactly the nero binnaries?
2)What its going on with the files 1bin. or scrambled?
3)What files i should record to make the emulator playable?
4)What's nero image file?
5)What files(of these above) can Dreamcast read?
Thanx for your time.....If you are not bored to reply then do it.......looking forward.Thanx for your time ;D

February 25th, 2005, 13:34
1)What files are exactly the nero binnaries?

i think you mixed up its just binnaries, no such thing as nero binnaries

4)What's nero image file?

nero is a program you use for you cd burner, na nero image is a cd image that nero can burn i.e. double click it and nero will burn it onto cd for you.

Question, what cd- burning (writting) program does you cd-writter come with

btw use dream inducer, its the easyest way ...www.sbiffy.com

February 26th, 2005, 22:42
If it helps, there is an excellent step-by-step tutorial* for burning a nester cd on http://www.dcemulation.com/dcemu-nesterdc.htm . I was clueless a while back, but this does help.

*there may be one here too, but I haven't checked and I, TBH, I found dcemulation before this site. sorry :)

February 28th, 2005, 12:31
Thanx for replies....Hmmm yea you are right Saviour its just binnaries..But why i should burn them on the cd.Does anyone knows their propuse?
Ok i have Nero(the last verion) and my Pc comes with Dvd recorder +- Dual Rayer...(it has something to do with burning such files also i ve heard that you should burn them with low speed..is that correct)?
When i bouble click the nero image then the main program of Nero activate....
Then my Dvd recorder become image recorder(i choose it)
After that,i choose BURN....ok i choose.....
......then a message always appear and it says save the nero image wherever at your pc want!!!!!............I dont know what to do to burn it with nero?(Dam it ???)

I knew allready about the Dreamcast emullation and to tell you the truth it didnt help me to see things clearly :-X)
Thanx for reading dudes!!!!!

February 28th, 2005, 13:39
if your useing nero version 6, you have to use a TOA image and not a DOA image, which is the standard one

then a message always appear and it says save the nero image wherever at your pc want!!

that does not make sence.. what does it say word for word?

first things first, try and burn a cd that runs in your dc, go to dcevo and download a image the (the Beats of Rage collection is good) it will be a cdi file,


and then download cdi2tao.exe if your useing nero 6


it at the bottom of that page

now simply drag and drop the bor cdi iamge on to the cdi2nero.exe, this will lauch the program that will ,make a nero TOA image.....when that is done just double click the new nero image

March 3rd, 2005, 02:22
that does not make sence.. what does it say word for word?

I believe what it's telling him is that he doesn't have a burner available, and that Nero is only allowing him to burn to an image file. I've seen this problem before, but I don't remember at the moment how it was solved.

cast128dreams - have you tried using SBInducer with CDRecord? Check out this tutorial (http://dcevolution.net/DCHelp/Sbindv4_Tut.shtml) to get you started.