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View Full Version : Multidisc Popsloader Coming Soon

December 10th, 2007, 16:01
Mathieulh has posted some great news for fans of his and Dark Alex`s work:

Just making a little anouncement, it seems as the current progress let me believe that there will soon be a multidisc compatible pops (inclueding a brand new popstation binary) which will natively support multidisc games (no more need for patches !) although you will sure need to make a lot of space on your memory sticks as all the discs will have to be in a single eboot.

Awesome news for fans of PSX Emulation on the PSP and especially those of you who own multidisc games, erm i only own red alert games that are multi disc :)

Sonicboy 101
December 10th, 2007, 16:07
Awesome news... all we need now are savestate options and PSX emualtion will be perfect! :)

December 10th, 2007, 16:18
So I'm assuming the accepted practice of giving them all the same ID is just not good enough?

December 10th, 2007, 16:19
Awesome news... all we need now are savestate options and PSX emualtion will be perfect! :)

Save states would be wonderful...though the no-hassle multi-disc is also fantastic...hurray for no more patches!

December 10th, 2007, 19:17
Although the thought of playing Multi-Disc games is pleasant, the thought of them having to be in a single Eboot is not so pleasant especially for those with smaller memory cards. I have 1 gb\4 gb and a full final fantasy 7 eboot would eat up quite a bit of space even fully compressed at 9.

We have ways to play multi-disc games now in a less space hogging way, for instance, you can change the gameID to that of the first disc for all the discs so that it reads your saves no matter the disc #. For certain(I said certain cuz not sure if this works for all but not sure why it wouldnt) games like Final Fantasy 7 if you know both the discs GameIDs then you can just copy the memory card files(the files: scemc0 and scemc1 or something close to that) straight from your GameIDs saveddata folder for disc # to the GameID save folder of the Disc # that you plan to continue with.

So my three questions are:
Why cant they make them look for the appropriate gameID in the eboot to switch discs or through some type of menu allow us to copy the saved data between discs? Will we still have these options after the change? Maybe we need a new way to compress and remove some of the duplicate things in these games such as intro music and the like to save on space?

Not that the work is unappreciated because Im sure it is greatly and the idea of having a full game is a good one just not so great for those who currently dont have the cash to shell out for a large capacity memory card.

December 10th, 2007, 19:53
So I'm assuming the accepted practice of giving them all the same ID is just not good enough?

Yeah, I used that method and have successfully finished Final Fantasy 7, Metal Gear Solid and Xenogears all of which are multi disc and worked just fine.

So Um, Hooray I can now have an extra 600mb to 1.5gb on my memory stick when I really don't need to! (you can only play one disc at a time you know....like duh)

December 11th, 2007, 01:10
This sounds pretty cool. I can't always get to my computer so it would be nice to have the games as one eboot, so you could continue playing from where you left off.

December 11th, 2007, 03:32
So I'm assuming the accepted practice of giving them all the same ID is just not good enough?

Yeah, I used that method and have successfully finished Final Fantasy 7, Metal Gear Solid and Xenogears all of which are multi disc and worked just fine.

So Um, Hooray I can now have an extra 600mb to 1.5gb on my memory stick when I really don't need to! (you can only play one disc at a time you know....like duh)

We have ways to play multi-disc games now in a less space hogging way, for instance, you can change the gameID to that of the first disc for all the discs so that it reads your saves no matter the disc #. For certain(I said certain cuz not sure if this works for all but not sure why it wouldnt) games like Final Fantasy 7 if you know both the discs GameIDs then you can just copy the memory card files(the files: scemc0 and scemc1 or something close to that) straight from your GameIDs saveddata folder for disc # to the GameID save folder of the Disc # that you plan to continue with.
You guy all assume too much. First off, not all games save in the same way. Some games ask you to insert the next disc while the game is still running. That's what this POPs Loader is for basically, to deal with those games.

Why cant they make them look for the appropriate gameID in the eboot to switch discs or through some type of menu allow us to copy the saved data between discs? Because that would be you being lazy. Why have a coder waste his time writing code to deal with the fact that you don't want to change the ID yourself( Some POPstation GUIs also do it already).

Maybe we need a new way to compress and remove some of the duplicate things in these games such as intro music and the like to save on space?You can rip vids and music out of a game. About removing duplicate things, I doubt it would be easy. It would be a game to game basis, no single app could handle everything with the hundreds of Playstation games out there. Unless the resources keep a constant name throughout the discs it would be very hard.

December 11th, 2007, 03:34
it would be nicer being able to have separate eboots but this is still awsome and i can't wait. mabey i'll finally play FFVII without hating it. ive beaten FFIX too many times although i do love its storyline.

December 11th, 2007, 06:56
I got a question about popsloader. I have it on my psp and I have all pops from 3.00-3.73 and I tried every single one with Speed Punks and some of them "the first ones" like 3.00-3.03 don't even try to load the game and the others load the game and it plays the intro but once you want to start playing the game it simply locks up and crashes the PSP and eventually it shuts down. I'm on firmware 3.71 M33-3. Is this something to do with my current firmware or the game is simply not compatible with popstation? and is there anything that can be done through this popsloader plugin for these type of games that startup and then just hang or lock up? Or is it just up to Sony to make these games work through new firmware releases?

December 11th, 2007, 13:56
well I have to get a bigger memory stick then :)