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View Full Version : Turok dev to scrap team kill achievement

December 12th, 2007, 18:01
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=177414)

Propaganda Games, developer of the new Turok game, has told CVG that it is looking at creating a fix to remove the team-killing Grab Bag achievement that caused riots a few weeks ago.

The Grab Bag achievement, dubbed the 'Worst Achievement Ever' by the internet, gives you ten points if you ""kill at least 1 creature, 1 enemy, 1 teammate, and yourself in the same round of a public match," encouraging the ultra-infuriating practice of team killing.

Josh Holmes, VP of Propaganda Games, told CVG explained why such an achievement was added. "What we found was that players playing their first match in Turok - almost every player - was (accidentally) killing himself, a team mate and an enemy with a grenade or a Stick Bomb gun and so we thought 'hey, we should give them an achievement for that', as kind of a joke.

But those frustrated with 'Acheivement whores messing up team games for achievements in games like Halo 3 didn't find it funny.

"We've read some of the concerns that were described online, and maybe we underestimated the length to which so-called 'achievement whores' will go to [in order to] get their achievements," admitted Holmes.

"We are currently looking at readying a patch or solution for it if it does become an issue when the game releases," he added.

Interestingly, he goes on to discuss the general topic of online multiplayer achievements.

"I saw a lot of opinions expressed on forums and a lot of the comments on the stories that came out about the achievements. There's a lot of discussion on whether multiplayer achievements are good at all.

"Personally, from my experience, the people that I know that are really concerned with achievements in multiplayer are people that will set up a private match with their friends and try to accomplish the achievements within that framework. They won't go into a public match and try to disrupt the game by focussing on their achievements at the exclusion of helping their team," Holmes added.

"On one hand, it's something that encourages more people to actually play multiplayer, and therefore it introduces more people to the multiplayer experience and increases the community playing online. On the other hand, while they're 'achievement whore-ing', maybe it's screwing up the way that they play, and that's not a good thing."

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