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View Full Version : Star Wars DS example with Translucency, MBF & 3D bridges

December 13th, 2007, 22:36
Xdelusion a buddy of ours from the Dreamcast Scene posted this news for fans of Doom Mods on the DS:

I put some early examples and tests up here:


They do not represent the finished project, but do show a bit of what is to come.

As you can see I managed to get 3D floors working on the DS without Slow Down. Also I have included a couple sections with translucent walls that can not be walked directly up to, and therefore do not slow down the game much if at all.
These levels are not textured propper as I will wait to do that last before final release, also the enemy lay out in the Space Station Argento test is random as I merely dropped a few in there for something to do while roaming around the level. Also I've not finished the Deh/Bex coding for the enemies and weapons yet so not everything is acting as it should yet, and since the gfx and sounds are not yet complete some things are still DOOM, but I think you get the idea.

Also the Mach 1 demo is ment to show off how I intend to put the player in many situations that can not be resolved by fighting, but by refering to other means for escape, so in this level in order to escape the approaching Mach 1 droid, you have to run down the hall way only to find the door locked, but if you shoot the panel (Return of the Jedi), the door flies open.
I hope to include little things like that, and bits of comedy that pay homage to the films, and most of all the books which far surpass anything that has been put to screen!

P.S. This runs betters on my GBAMP v2 than my M3 Simply for some reason, though both are fully up to date. So I think Wintermute was correct in saying that shady DLDI code might have an effect on crashes.

December 13th, 2007, 23:55
I noticed a few quirks in the original Argento Station WAD so I updated the package at: 12-13-07 4:30PM Arizona time.

To know if you got the right file the game should begin with a Star Wars DS screen and not a DOOM 2 screen. ;)

Sorry about that.

Also thankx for the kind words wraggster.

December 14th, 2007, 21:20
Can't wait. Good luck! :)

would it be possible to make this kind of stuff for the DSQuake and Quakeds that are out? I like the 3D shooter aspect with view up/view down (can't think of the word..)

December 15th, 2007, 02:07
FreeLook, and yes I'm sure someone could do it for Quake, but that's a whole other ball game, one which I am not familiar with and am not touching, though I'd be hyped if someone else did!

P.S. if anyone experiences lock ups, please let me know what kind of card you are using, when you locked up, and all that fun stuff as this is basically ment for me to get an idea as to how this runs on different flash cards and what not.


December 15th, 2007, 15:37
FreeLook, and yes I'm sure someone could do it for Quake, but that's a whole other ball game, one which I am not familiar with and am not touching, though I'd be hyped if someone else did!

P.S. if anyone experiences lock ups, please let me know what kind of card you are using, when you locked up, and all that fun stuff as this is basically ment for me to get an idea as to how this runs on different flash cards and what not.


After I started the game and chose main game the screen went black and nothing happend. I use the R4DS.

December 15th, 2007, 17:59
Hyrule Boy: I'm on a M3 Simply running the latest R4 software and I get the same problems from time to time.

Now for you does this happen all the time, or are you sometimes able to get into the game?