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View Full Version : The Moon Books Project Update for 12/14/07

December 15th, 2007, 13:37
via drunkencoders (http://www.drunkencoders.com/)

There was Panic in the Streets as Santa Claus Conquers the Martians!

This week is a slow week for The Moon Books Project. Issues 62 and 63 of the hugely popular Heroes comic are available for download and view on the DS. Also, we have featured a series of Douglas Fairbanks silent swashbucklers! If you are a fan of Prince of Persia, be sure to check out the film The Thief of Bagdad!

We have released several other films this week:

Mr. Arkadian starring Orson Welles can best be described by the following: An American adventurer investigates the past of mysterious tycoon Arkadin...placing himself in grave danger.

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is a film about the youth of mars, and Santa Claus' work to um... conquer their planet.. sort of..

Panic In The Streets stars Jack Palance as (go figure) a killer infected with the bubonic plague.

Our movie total is up to around 250 and our book total is around 500, all ready to be freely and legally downloaded and viewed on the Nintendo DS via the Moon Shell application.

Also, we are giving away free skins all month!