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View Full Version : Wonder Project J2 v1.0 Translation

December 18th, 2007, 01:54
It’s been several months since I last posted any news about this project. Well, it’s time to post some news again, and the reason is simple: it’s done. I’ve just made version 1.0 of my English Wonder Project J 2 (Nintendo64) translation available for download. It can be called a complete patch, with the exception of a few graphics, everything’s translated. You can grab it over here.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to read the readme.txt before you start playing. N64 emulation is not quite like the emulation of platforms like the SNES. There is a lot to know about the emulation, especially with this game. The readme should answer about 95% of the question you might have, so read it, your gaming experience will only profit from it.

So what else is to say? Those who’ve played the first game know what to expect. The game mechanics are very similar. It’s still a game that can get really tedious at times. But they did improve some things, for example the whole annoying stat leveling is gone. Also, you’re now free to decide in which order you do things. You don’t need to go through chapter after chapter like in the predecessor. And for those who haven’t played the first game, fear not, having played it is not really necessary. What kind of game is this? Some people may call this a RPG, but what it comes the closest to is a graphic adventure. Overall, I can’t really draw a comparison to any other game besides the first, but if you like the two anime ‘Nadia the Secret of Blue Water’ and ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’, you will love this game.

Well, that’s all, I hope you enjoy the translation.


January 23rd, 2008, 01:04
Does anyone know what the game's "Koruro no Mori no Josette" subtitle means in English? I can't find out anywhere.

May 20th, 2008, 19:08
klmn929, read the rules (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/announcement.php?f=261&a=4)and don't spam topics.