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December 18th, 2007, 05:13
1. Tylenol PM. Ever tried a half a dose? It gives me really clear strange dreams that seem to speak from my subconsious. For a few odd examples: lots of people are floating on large leaves down a freeway with a large river flowing really fast on it for like a work commute or something, and a large isle floating out in the middle of nothingness, with hunters (from Halo) knocking people off to their doom. This connection has prompted a question over the past few days of taking a half-dose of Tylenol PM (explained in the next thread).

2. You may remember the fiasco of last year (it was over a girl). I would never go through it again. Oddly, my dreams seem to be latching on to her still. I'm wondering if my reason for the lack of desire for a relationship is attributed to my lack of closure (although I thought I had moved on, and it doesn't emotionally effect me anymore, it's just a question) and pain associated with it. I'm just requesting an opinion.