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View Full Version : MacDreamcasTool Services 0.8

February 17th, 2005, 16:28
I.M. Weasel has released an updated version of his Dreamcast burning/matinence toolkit for Mac users. Here's whats new:[br][br] MacDreamcasTool Services 0.8 is now ready for release. I would have gotten it out sooner,but I kept waiting around for someone else to make an icon for it. A nifty little program with some minor functionality. Here's what it does:[br][br]* PngToMR - Lets you transform an appropriate .PNG file into a .MR file, this file can be placed into the boot file of a DreamCast disc and will appear on the secondary boot screen.[br][br]* DreamSNES Rom List Creator - Creates a ROMS.LST file for use with the SNES emulator DreamSNES. Cuts down on time it takes to load the games list screen.[br][br]* SBI Builder - Lets the user create a .sbi file easily. It does not however, have a scramble/unscramble function built in. nor does it have a .elf to .bin converter.[br][br][br]A huge thanks out to the NSRT dev team. Without their code, the DreamSNES rom list wouldn't have been possible, much love. Also much thanks out to Sane for beta testing, coming through when i need him.[br][br]Please read the Services text file before using.[br][br]P.S. The List box in the rom.lst creator does not work. I am aware of that and it will not mess with the functionality. It will work in the next release [br][br]More info Here (http://www.dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=678108#678108)

February 18th, 2005, 19:55
That's cool. Now the Mac users have a bunch of new tools.

I.M., I have the source code module for making a BIN detector. If you interested in it, drop me a PM, you may be able to understand (Visual Basic).

February 18th, 2005, 21:31
I must give IM Weasel news access here and maybe a new MAC forum to gowith it.

February 19th, 2005, 15:48
NOTE: SBI Builder creates empty sbi files. Do not use that feature until next release which will be out on saturday. Not thorough enough testing is the fault. sorry for the inconvience.

February 20th, 2005, 01:57
I must give IM Weasel news access here and maybe a new MAC forum to gowith it.

He's already got both at DCHelp. It wouldn't hurt to have newsposting access here, too, but I don't know that he'd ever use it (he's never used it at DCHelp).