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View Full Version : Team Blackbolt's Next Project: XBMC Skin 'EX'

December 22nd, 2007, 00:32
With 2007 almost to a close, its getting pretty obvious that our previously announced next project 'EX' will not be being released during its previous 'Holiday 2007' slot. This is mainly due to myself (Blackbolt) not having as much free time as I've previously had. Also, the team is pretty much just myself now. Jezz_X continues to maintain the current skins on the SVN, but there is no active development happening amongst the team as everyone is off doing their own projects.

The XBMC skin EX is still being worked on by myself and I very much plan to release it as soon as its ready for public consumption. Progress has been slow, but hopefully with the start of 2008 it will pick up. The design plan for the entire skin is almost locked down and all that will remain is the task of making everything work together and polishing it all up. The main focus of the skin is still to be used as a media center and its very much a HD centric user interface, built for Widescreen 720p.

Although I don't have any beta versions available for people to download, I am willing to show off the homescreen as of this weekend. The previous 3 icon layout was proving to feel too 'zoomed' in and so I recently bumped it up to 5 icons and thus it has a much better feeling while moving around. If you click the preview image below you can get a full 720p resolution image of the home screen.

I will be bringing you more updates as and when development picks up for this skin as I'm just as eager as everyone else who's waiting to get it finished. I wish everyone a happy holiday and I hope to bring you more good news in the new year.
