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View Full Version : Gizmodo's Sony Year-End Report Card: Bplus

December 22nd, 2007, 01:20
Although Sony makes everything from music players to phones to robots to computers to movies, the biggest news of 2007 was made in its gaming and TV lines. Sure, we liked Sony Ericsson W- and K-series' flashy designs and were proud that Vaio PCs joined the increasingly crowded CableCARD home-theater PC market, but nothing topped the PlayStation 3, PSP and Bravia TVs for news coverage or everyday impact. So how did Sony do? Pretty darn well, proving that its learned its lessons from the rootkit massacre of 2005/2006, and that bit of news about exploding batteries.

Overall, they've had a good year. We've seen good product releases from all over the consumer electronics spectrum with no crazy rootkit scandal to speak of. The PlayStation 3 and PSP are finally gaining steam, and the Blu-ray format seems to be doing well for itself. If it weren't for the missteps, Sony would have received an A--but a B+ is nothing to be ashamed of.

Final Grade: B+
