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View Full Version : New Infamous TV spot is heavy on destruction

February 24th, 2014, 18:25
Sony Computer Entertainment America has released a new Infamous Second Son (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/playstation-4/action/13051/infamous-second-son/) TV spot.
Sucker Punch's first PS4 (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/playstation-4/games/12249/playstation-4/) game is set in an open-world Seattle and stars new series protagonist Delsin Rowe, a 24-year-old Native American street artist who can control smoke.
He's viewed as a bioterrorist by the Department of Unified Protection, a branch of government tasked with hunting down those with superhuman abilities.
Rowe can unleash smoke projectiles and fireballs. He can also execute a smoke-dash move and confuse enemies using a smoke cloud. He replenishes smoke by absorbing it from chimneys and destroyed cars.
