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View Full Version : MazeGen3D 3.0 (Now with PacMan Mode!)

December 23rd, 2007, 09:42
http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/9499/mazegen0ro7.png (http://imageshack.us)

Updated release from Highsight:

Just in time for Christmas, here's MazeGen3D 3.0!!

PacMan Mode!!!!!
Find the Flag Mode
Options menu
Turn Music on or Off
Turn Sounds on or Off
Map for PacMan Mode

Bug Fix- previously causing a row of the maze not to show up.
Many Screen Refreshing Errors Fixed

Maze Editor
Save Games
Full, skipless MP3 Support
Perfect 3D Rendering (You MAY see empty spaces, this is a known bug.)
Map Packs
(And yes, I realize this is the same ToDo as the last release. :P)

How to...:

Add Music: Place all MP3s you would like to listen to while you play into "ms0:/MUSIC/".

Add Mazes: With the ability to save and load Mazes, people can now post Mazes online, in order to play these mazes, simply place all .mze files in the "Mazes" directory.

Special Thanks to:
jsharrad (For turning it into EBoot form!)
Tactical Penguin (Could never have done this without your 3D tutorials, you're a credit to the LUA world! )
Bleh (For his 3D Camera tutorial)
Cools (For his awesome LUA Mod!)
Merick (For his awesome GU.Blit function)
Alatnet (For his AMAZING GMax Export Script! I could never have gotten those spheres in without you.)

PacMan Instructions:
I'll admit it straight out, the AI for the ghosts is NOT the same as the original AI. The normal ghost AI is just way too complex for me to make. Still, the ghosts can and will kill you. Here are some basic rules:

If a ghost hits you, or you hit a ghost without a power pill, you die.
Ghosts always move after you move.
Ghosts spawn from a grave randomly placed on the map.
Ghosts never turn around and reverse directions unless they hit a wall.
Ghosts spawn every 10 moves until there are 4 on the map.
Power Pill last you 30 turns.
Ghosts move at half speed when a Power Pill is in effect.
Pellets are worth 10 points.
Power Pellets are worth 100 points.
Ghosts are worth 500 points.
You get an extra life for ever 10000 points gained.
If you play PacMan mode, I suggest you do not have smooth animations on, it causes a severe slowdown.

Final Notes:
This MAY be my last release for a long time since my computer seminar class is over in school, but I hope to continue it. ^_^

here's the LUA Version (requires IRShell or Cools LUAPlayer MOD4 to play)


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via highsight (http://forums.qj.net/showpost.php?p=1915713&postcount=1)

December 23rd, 2007, 16:15
very very cool man.
this looks really fun and it seams like its an awsome game and i hope that everyone else thinks so

December 23rd, 2007, 21:20
I'm glad to see someone enjoys it, thanks alot for the support Buddy4point0. ^_^ Also, I have a new EBoot version availible here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/0gnd9b

Edit: PS, would any admin mind changing my name to Highsight? I haven't gone by Linkman90 in a long time. XD