View Full Version : MobileGTD

December 23rd, 2007, 10:22
MobileGTD turns your Series 60 phone into a GTD notebook on steroids

Based on a simple file and directory structure (easy synchronization with PC)
Use your favourite file explorer to browse your actions
Usable as a simple inbox, allowing you to create projects on the fly
Searchable project list view
Project editing functionality (add/remove actions/infos)
Processing functionality (automatically find done actions)
Review assistance (find projects with no active next action and projects that have not changed for a certain time)
Compatible to GTDFiles

MobileGTD uses simple text files for projects. Each line in a project file can be either an action or an info. When adding an action to a project, a new line is added to the project file and a file is created in a directory structure corresponding to your contexts. If you e.g. create an action "Computer Download new version of MobileGTD" MobileGTD will create a file "Download new version of MobileGTD.act" in a directory called "Computer/". You can also use nested contexts, e.g. "Computer/Online/" to further structur your contexts. To avoid too much typing you can define abbreviations for contexts, you could e.g. define "26" to be expanded to "Computer/Online/".

You can then use any file explorer to browse through your actions and delete done ones. When processing projects MobileGTD automatically searches for deleted actions and sets them to done in the project file.
