View Full Version : Google Nexus smartwatch rumoured for June launch

February 25th, 2014, 22:56
Google is rumoured to be working with LG on a smartwatch featuring a brand-new operating system.
CNET (http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13970_7-57619335-78/google-lg-working-on-smartwatch-to-be-unveiled-in-june/) reports that Google will unveil plans for the wearable device in March. According to a person familiar with the plans, the smartwatch is set to make its debut at the Google I/O conference in June.
“Google will employ a Nexus-like model in which it designs the software and controls virtually every aspect of the launch, leaving the hardware details to a partner who takes a backseat in terms of visibility,” reported the publication.
There has already been a number of smartwatches and smartbands unveiled over the past two days at Mobile World Congress, including Samsung, Sony and Huawei.
