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View Full Version : GhostBustersDS v0.1

December 25th, 2007, 21:40
News/release from Sephiroth_FF7 (http://www.dev-fr.org/projets/(ndsjeu)-ghostbustersds/):


This game is a port of the game GhostBusters released on various platforms, the graphics are taken mainly from the version Sega Master System. The elements of the game are not quite the same, I took a bit of all versions and add my personal touch.


24/12/07 Version 0.1
- First public release
Stage very little progress

How to play:
- On the map, utilisar arrows diectionneles to move and A + a direction to go to a building.
Red => There are ghosts
Violet => There will be ghosts
White => He will be attacked by Marshmallow Man
Press B to use the ghost bait, use when the ghosts will merge to avoid the disaster.
- On the road, colisions are losing money, approaching ghosts you aspire to with the ghost vacuum.
- In capture mode, press A to each action.
If the phase-capture ghosts will not start, go to GBHQ.

Download Here (http://sephirothff7.free.fr/GhostBustersDS/GhostBustersDS.zip) and Give Feedback Via Comments

December 27th, 2007, 01:05
i hope itll be better than the original^^:


December 27th, 2007, 16:52
i hope itll be better than the original^^:
What can I do to render the game better or simply less boring?
What elements you dislike in the game?
I can make the game more funny, simply tell me your ideas.

December 30th, 2007, 16:26
i think a game gets boring if you have to do the same thing all the time and has things build in which have nothing to do with the original etc.
also unnecessary difficulty makes you hate a game, so make sure to make it possible to beat, but not as easy as todays games :)

watch the video and you know what i mean

i dont mean my writing this that your game sucks and whatever, im just thinking, if you make a exact copy of this game, not many people will like it :o

gl with your game, and be sure to put the complete ghostbusters staff in it ^^