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View Full Version : GBA Emulation?

July 26th, 2005, 02:19
Please nobody kill me if this has already been posted... If it is possible, I would wish to learn how to convert current emulators to a format readable by the PSP.

July 26th, 2005, 02:24
porting emulators does not work well at all, and u would need to build one from the ground up specifically for the psp for it to be decent.
as for the gba, there is already one, but it isnt playable, i dunno if it was ported or not

July 26th, 2005, 02:28
Any suggestions as to where I can learn to specifically make a GBA emu for the PSP?

Cap'n 1time
July 26th, 2005, 03:19
Any suggestions as to where I can learn to specifically make a GBA emu for the PSP?

go to school... seriously. you dont learn this kind of thing in a night.. or even a year.

July 26th, 2005, 06:47
I give you a clue, programming...

July 26th, 2005, 10:06
well, do u have and programming background?

Cap'n 1time
July 26th, 2005, 12:50
well, do u have and programming background?

I would wish to learn how to convert current emulators to a format readable by the PSP.

... obviously not :p :D :p :D

July 26th, 2005, 17:49
Basic Java and learning C++ now

July 26th, 2005, 17:58
The best way to start is to grab source for the apps that are out there. Play with them, learn HOW they work. Get a feel for programming the PSP. The go out and learn how emulators work. Then get all the info you can on the inner wiorking of the GBA. It's all out there, and it takes a LOT of time to learn.

July 27th, 2005, 14:59
Alright thanks for the input.