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View Full Version : 3D model converter released for Windows.

December 26th, 2007, 19:06
News/release from DarkKnightEZ:

I've ported my 3D model converter to Windows as a command-line tool.
It converts 3D models in a .x format to NDS display lists.
Run it without any arguments to see how it should be used.

Go to my website to get it.

I've added all the options I could think of. Scaling, disabling normals to save space, outputting in .C format or in a .bin format, what texture size you use (default is 128x128). That sort of stuff.

So, I hope you 3D modelers out there can make use of this.
Happy holidays to everyone.

Download Here (http://amplituds.drunkencoders.com/)

December 26th, 2007, 22:27
I tried messing with it but dont understand what command lines to use EXACTLY.

Any help would be great.

Dark Knight ez
December 27th, 2007, 12:16
It's fairly obvious.
model_converter-x2dl.exe inputFile.x
If you want to mess around with settings, you can add options after it like -normals-disabled, etc.
If there's a specific option you're not sure how to set, let me know.

December 27th, 2007, 13:05
btw: is there a modelviewer for the DS that can view .x or perhaps any other model kind ? Thx for you program, and thanks in advance.

Dark Knight ez
December 27th, 2007, 19:17
If you convert a .x 3D model with my program like this:
model_converter-x2dl.exe inputFile.x -o model.c -normals-disabled
the outputted model.c file can be used with my model viewing programs for the DS. See the other 3D Tools downloads on my website.

December 27th, 2007, 23:12
Great work! I wanted to use 3D models in a next project but I was unsure how to generate the appropriate bin files :) This makes it a lot more feasable.