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View Full Version : Getting a PSP soon

December 27th, 2007, 15:44
I will be coming into a PSP in the next couple of weeks and have a couple questions about running homebrew software.

Though I will use it around the house, I’m guessing that I will mostly use it when traveling to play PSP & PSX games, hold emulators, movies, and maybe an ebook or two.
My question, then, is which is better to get for those purposes: one of the older fat models or the new slim models?

Also, is the 3.71m33-3 firmware the best option out there? I’ve been searching several forums and that seems to be the most suggested option out there.

Thanks for your help.

December 27th, 2007, 16:07
Yes, that's the best custom firmware available :)

December 28th, 2007, 14:39
hopefully by then we should have 3.80m33

December 31st, 2007, 13:50
Best would be a phat psp (as its easier to find working apps for it and also runs 1.5 kernel so no need for hbrew eloaders) with prob 3.71m33-4 cfw with 1.5 patch. or as said if 3.80 m33 is out then that would be best :) . If you're buying it from new make sure you check fw version as anything over 3.50 cant be downgraded (unless you use a pandora battery and stick). Hope this helps you