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December 28th, 2007, 04:34
For the last three hours I've been at the local police station trying to keep my niece from being sent to juvenile hall. The problem as I understand it... My niece decides her Ex boyfriends new girlfriends car is too nice a ride to not have a few key swipes down the side, on the hood, all over the chassis, on the trunk, and a slashed tire... This is very hard on me morally because There is no doubt my niece is in the wrong here, It's not like she accidentally got into this mess, this was pre meditated trouble making 101 right here.

To add to my anger about this problem is that I know my niece very well. she doesn't care about the guy, or his new girlfriend for that matter.All she wanted was a reason to do something like this.

Why, why cant she resolve her problems the way non felons are supposed too?

Anyway, I suppose by showing up to take her home from the police station. That it buys her a few weeks of freedom until her court trial. But she is still looking down the barrel of juvenile hall.

In the recesses of my mind I find myself repeating the same question. What makes a person do things like this? Surely she wouldn't want someone keying her car....

I'm pissed off at her. Not because I'm some hard ass without a heart. But because this was just bold stupidity. Because she was stupid enough to do something of this caliber, Well knowing before hand that actions of this nature cause reactions.

I've told her she has one get out of jail free card with me and that's it. The next time she does something this stupid she's gonna have to pay the price like all the other dumbasses in the world,to stupid to realize they will get caught...

one winged angel
December 28th, 2007, 04:42
pffffffeee that is some serious shit

December 28th, 2007, 04:51
pffffffeee that is some serious shit

Indeed it is. She doesn't realize it at the moment. But she will have to pay for the damage to the car, and most likely do a stretch in juvi as well.

I'm pissed at her more about the fact that she hurt herself like this. I'm all about family. Its not so much the damage to the car that pisses me off. It's the damage her actions caused to herself that pisses me off the most :(

December 28th, 2007, 05:06
Its a very good question. What does push someone to do something like that? Something where the reward is nothing compared to the consequences. The fact that this was almost definitely premeditated only adds to it. If it were on a whim of sorts it would be more understandable, albeit still stupid.

Is she the type of person who needs attention? That seems like the most obvious reason to me. Of course I dont know her so thats nothing more than a blind stab in the dark :P

December 28th, 2007, 05:22
Its a very good question. What does push someone to do something like that? Something where the reward is nothing compared to the consequences. The fact that this was almost definitely premeditated only adds to it. If it were on a whim of sorts it would be more understandable, albeit still stupid.

Is she the type of person who needs attention? That seems like the most obvious reason to me. Of course I dont know her so thats nothing more than a blind stab in the dark :P

Well I cant really say she obsesses over attention. But she does seem to want attention from her dad. This isn't the first time she has done something drastic like this. Once she even broke into the office building of her apartment complex and busted open a vending machine, When we asked her why she did it. She said she wanted some gum and was out of change...

See my niece Thinks she's some sort of bad ass. Always getting into fights harassing her school mates. She really does have issues of some sort.

I think the true reason she is like that, is she thinks it will impress her dad. I know that sounds strange. But I believe It to be the real issue. :(

December 28th, 2007, 05:47
Its sad when someone feels that they need to act out like that to get attention from someone. Does her father not pay her enough attention? Ive known a few people who tend to make problems like that in their heads. They go crazy trying to get someone important to them notice them all the time even though the person already pay them enough attention.

December 28th, 2007, 05:52
i think she just wants to get any kind of attention from anyone by doing all of those kinds of stupid things.

December 28th, 2007, 05:58
Its sad when someone feels that they need to act out like that to get attention from someone. Does her father not pay her enough attention? Ive known a few people who tend to make problems like that in their heads. They go crazy trying to get someone important to them notice them all the time even though the person already pay them enough attention.

Well, See her dads been in and out of trouble most of his life, In fact most of my nieces life he was in prison. He got out about two years ago. And since then My niece has had a real father in her life for the first time. The problem is they are just getting to know each other from a life time of being separated, so there are communication problems. Sometimes she acts out, other times she does these insane things that seem to be following in her dads past footsteps.

Of course he cares and Doesn't want her to end up with the same problems he had, But in her mind It brings them closer together.

This isn't something she has ever admitted to as a reason for her actions. Sometimes You just know why people make the choices they make. :(

i think she just wants to get any kind of attention from anyone by doing all of those kinds of stupid things. Anything is possible at this point, One thing is certain she needs some counseling or something *nods

December 28th, 2007, 06:04
So shes emulating how she perceives him to be in order to bring them closer? Thats a tough one to deal with. At least you sorta know what the source of this stuff is. Thats a start..

December 28th, 2007, 06:07
So shes emulating how she perceives him to be in order to bring them closer? Thats a tough one to deal with. At least you sorta know what the source of this stuff is. Thats a start..
Yes but, I know these things from a lifetime of knowing my neice. She would never admit to that, Sadly it would take a counselor years to figure that out :(

December 28th, 2007, 06:11
Thats the rough bit. Acceptance. Thats the first step ya know. If she cant see or admit that theres a problem or why she does what she does then she'll never improve.

If her father means so much to her perhaps he could talk to her? Sorry if I'm meddling a bit :P

December 28th, 2007, 06:15
Thats the rough bit. Acceptance. Thats the first step ya know. If she cant see or admit that theres a problem or why she does what she does then she'll never improve.

If her father means so much to her perhaps he could talk to her? Sorry if I'm meddling a bit :P
You make a good point. Maybe I should talk to him. I doubt he has figured all this out. It's not that he wouldn't be smart enough to figure it out. He just hasn't known her long enough to know how her mind works yet. I'll have a talk with him and see what he thinks should be done. :cool:

December 28th, 2007, 06:17
Thats a good start. He seems to have a good deal of control over her actions even if he doesnt know it.

December 28th, 2007, 06:17
Thats a good start. He seems to have a good deal of control over her actions even if he doesnt know it.
Indeed. :cool:

December 28th, 2007, 06:21
Why do people do stuff like this?

Emotion is powerful. Love is hard (I know this from one experience). I felt really crummy for a few weeks after being turned down nicely, so I would imagine that breaking up wouldn't be a ray of sunshine either.

This is one of the reasons I think my brain has vowed to not seek people out. Love is too fragile, takes too much effort, and is only in our brains for reproduction.

December 28th, 2007, 06:24
Love is human nature. Thats why we'll do such stupid things to attain it.

December 28th, 2007, 06:26
Why do people do stuff like this?

Emotion is powerful. Love is hard (I know this from one experience). I felt really crummy for a few weeks after being turned down nicely, so I would imagine that breaking up wouldn't be a ray of sunshine either.

This is one of the reasons I think my brain has vowed to not seek people out. Love is too fragile, takes too much effort, and is only in our brains for reproduction.

Well I have been seeking you Ex, That rematch "will happen sooner or later" Its destiny :cool:

December 28th, 2007, 06:44
Ha ha.

Next time, do you want me to host the game? You can test drive my Narrows map (it's on my file share).

December 28th, 2007, 06:51
Ha ha.

Next time, do you want me to host the game? You can test drive my Narrows map (it's on my file share).
Any terms you want bro, All I want is my rematch :cool:

December 28th, 2007, 17:12

December 29th, 2007, 07:19
A somewhat similar story:

When I was 15 or so I was walking home with some mates after a night of drinking at the pool hall (the guy there was cool, never cared about us getting pissed n playing pool), walked past a guy from school who at the time I felt a complete prick (I became mates with him shortly after) and felt it would be a good idea to smash the rear-view mirrors to the cars out the front (all I remember is if you pull the things hard enough they shatter).

Lets just say we ran away laughing, only to have the guy's older sister's boyfriend coming towards us in his car about a minute down the road. Got out, chased us down, I admitted it was me (didnt want my mates to get smashed too), grabbed me and asked why the **** I did it and I told him about hating his girlfriends brother.

I dont think he liked the guy either cause he only punched me in the gut once and made me promise to pay him back what new mirrors would cost. Could have been a lot worse, his GF being in the car probably helped too.

I paid as I liked having my face arranged in the usual fashion, learnt a life lesson and no police involvement was needed.

Teenagers will be teenagers, when people get hurt (badly) its too far. Property damage can be a surprisingly satisfying form of retribution. :)

As Frenzal Rhomb said "
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_BJE6U3mVk". :)