View Full Version : Next-Gen's Top 10 Blunder of 2007 - PS3 Made 3 Entries

December 28th, 2007, 10:58
There are certain events of 2007 that industry folks would just as soon not ever hear about again--so here they are...

#8 - We've Got a SKU Just for You!
"Phil Harrison famously said of Sony's PlayStation 3 plans, "I think we wouldn't take that [multiple SKU] strategy. We wouldn't create confusion".
Oh, the shame! In just the first year Sony has marketed four different models of PlayStation 3. It launched with two versions - the 20Gb and 60Gb models - and then introduced an 80Gb model in July and a 40Gb model in October."

#6 - Sony Exec Offers to Buy PS3s
"When SCEA executive VP Jack Tretton speaks, everyone listens. Sometimes this works out, sometimes not.
In his January 2007 interview with Electronic Gaming Monthly, it most certainly did not. In response to reports of PlayStation 3 systems sitting unsold on store shelves, Tretton famously replied: "If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1200 bucks for it." If people on the street can see that the systems aren't moving, then Tretton should have known as well. Still, his ill-timed boast isn't unique - it's merely part of the larger hubristic posture Sony has assumed for far too long."

#5 - Alone Against the Empire
"Right before the Game Developers Conference keynote, one of the most prominent videogame blogs, Kotaku, published a rumor about an as-yet-unannounced PlayStation 3 online service dubbed PlayStation Home. Kotaku attempted to verify the details but Sony refused to comment. Further, Sony requested - then demanded - that Kotaku not publish the story.

Kotaku published their information anyway, with appropriate journalistic caveats. In response, Sony sent an email blackballing Kotaku."
