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View Full Version : XAVShell 1.0.2

December 31st, 2007, 13:08
A new Shell has been released (http://theghosteam.blogspot.com/)for the PSP, heres the details:

XAVShell , Revision 1.0.x (Beta)

1. Details

- Cursor enabled.
- Welcome screen. Here you should write a password and if it's correct the app will go to the desktop. Else, you'll go to the xmb.
- In the desktop, you can go to the xmb pressing x in task bar.
- USB icon for connect the usb xD
- Disc icon : it'll start the umd game.

2. Making the password and some details of it.

For generate the password you must open the notebook and write the characters that will be the password (max characters, 6 and minimum 6 too).
Then of write the password (read 2.1), save it with the name loginpassword (his format must be .tgt) . Save it on the same folder that XAVshell eboot (on the rar there is a loginpassword of example).
The characters must be the next letters :

x ; o ; s ; t ; l ; r

2.1 Equivalencies between the characters

x = Button X
o = '' circle
s = '' square
t = '' triangle
l = " L trigger
r = '' R trigger

Changes, XAVShell 1.0.0 - 1.0.2

- Now there are two icons enabled { USB and UMD icon }
- SDK for programmers / hackers avalaible.
- Led power will be power on/off when the percentage of the battery < 26.
- Percentage of the battery will be showed on the task bar.

Note : Copy XAVShell folder to /psp/game or /psp/game150 .

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