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View Full Version : The Xbox360 - Your Hopes for the Year Ahead

January 1st, 2008, 22:33
The Xbox360 has apart from Japan positioned itself as the true hardcore gamers console with many fantastic games coming from the console, on the hacking and homebrew front the breakthrough still hasnt been reached so to all fans heres a question for you !

What are your Hopes for the Xbox 360 both in Homebrew and the Commercial Arena ?

January 1st, 2008, 22:41
I hope we will see homebrew on this system. This console has potential.
And in the commercial side, I hope this console will stay in the market for a long time.

beetroot bertie
January 1st, 2008, 22:44
Yep, homebrew would be nice. I'd like a free live service too and a release of a good arcade stick here in the UK.

January 1st, 2008, 22:47
Homebrew on the Xbox 360 would be amazing. If you see what it does with xbox arcade then you know it can acheive great thing with homebrew. It's just getting the scene going. We just need a breakthrough. The commercial games for this console are great and from what I can see for the games released next year the console is going to do very well.

January 2nd, 2008, 01:26
if only we could have homebrew without being banned from live