View Full Version : Atari800 Giz v1.2

January 3rd, 2008, 18:14
foft has ported his great Atari 800 emulator to the Gizmondo, heres the release info:

I know the Wince version "works", kind of. I also know TheReaperUK did a rainy day port, but... Well you can't have too many Atari800 ports can you? This one is a port of my GP2X one, which is a port of the GP32 one which is a port of the core Atari800... I don't plan to maintain this port, but will fix any obvious bugs people find in the short term (if I care about them, ask me here...).

Its for download as usual from: http://www.scrameta.net/a800.html.

Features (some are just flags, but highlight differences from other ports):
i) Automatic frame skip.
ii) Fairly flexible remappable inputs, with a little pain (text config...)
iii) Hifi Pokey works (but slower, with a few quirks... call it MidFi)
iv) Volume only sound - i.e. samples.
v) Onscreen keyboard (hold L+R shoulders)
vi) Fast forward (hold L shoulder)
vii) Paged attrib ram access - including XE bank switching. So Megablast works...
viii) Startup like this...
ix) Zip support (inc atz in zip.)
x) Png screenshots
xi) Cycle accurate color changes

Controls (default):
i) Dpad: Joystick 1
ii) Rewind : Fire
iii) Fast forward: Simple keyboard
iv) L shoulder : fast forward
vi) Play: Some 5200 options (It needs analog stick so sucks on digital stick, but can tweak some stuff here...)
vii) Home: UI
viii) Volume+Up: Volume up...
ix) Volume+Down: Volume down
x) L+R shoulder: onscreen keyboard
xi) Asterisk: Start
xii) Triangle: Select
xiii) Power: Option
xiv) Hold power+L+R: Reboot (easier in ui or fastfwd menu)
xv) Hold power+(L or R): Reset (easier in ui or fastfwd menu)

All these can be remapped in the Inputs/default.men and Inputs/ui.men files for use in emulator and in the menu...

To get it running extract and copy over the Atari800 dir. Then run Atari800.exe with whatever autorun you use... You need to put in atarixl.rom etc in the Atari800 dir. Also put some games in the ATR folder. Of course all this can be changed in the emulator configuration setting or editing atari800.cfg directly.

Thanks for this version go to:
i) Atari800 development team for a great emulator
ii) PocketAtari for the Wince code I ripped to shreds...
iii) Reesy for his nice sound ringbuffer idea.
iv) Wincesoft for their GAPI for Gizmondo.
v) TheReaperUK for help with the above GAPI and his port... Buy another Gizmondo!



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