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View Full Version : mame version 88

January 20th, 2005, 11:40
Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone had a copy of mame version 88 the roms I have only want to work with version 88 and I lost my only copy if anyone can help please contact me at

[email protected]
Thanks in advance

January 20th, 2005, 11:48
You could grab the romcenter or clrmamepro dats to update to the latest set you know, unless theres been some serious changes (its been a while so cant recall exactly) the previous ones should work anyway I think as mame goes off the crc rather than names (as long as the zips named right) think I remembered that bit right, romcenter or clrmamepro would take care of any renaming thats needed to get them to work with the current mame