View Full Version : Sony boasts PlayStation holiday sales numbers

January 7th, 2008, 00:52
Without comparable numbers from the other two console manufacturers, you'll have to consider these numbers from Sony in a vacuum of sorts. Nevertheless, regardless of the console horse race, Sony's got plenty to be proud of: 1.2m PS3 consoles sold since Black Friday; 1.4m PSP systems (unsurprising to anyone who had difficulty tracking one down this holiday); and 1.3m PS2 systems. That's a total of 3.9m PlayStation consoles sold in less than two months and, with the recent Blu-ray news, we suspect PS3 sales may trend upwards.

While Microsoft touted their total Xbox 360 sales numbers last week, we'll have to wait another week and a half before we get specific NPD numbers for December. But sales like these, regardless of the relative strength of the competition, means at least one thing: there's 3.9m game consoles living in happy homes and that's good news for everyone.


January 7th, 2008, 04:13
Wow, I knew the PS2 was still alive and kicking but I had no idea it was still selling so good. Way to go SONY! I remember waiting in line all night in the fall of 2000 for the PS2 when it was first launched. Now 7 1/2 years later to see it doing so well is a mind trip.

I just got a PS3 and love it. Looking forward to at least 7 1/2 years of enjoyment out of the PS3 as well. Industry analysts did predict the PS3 has the longest potential staying power or lifespan.