View Full Version : Hurray for 2008

January 7th, 2008, 06:02
Well it's finaly 2008. Lets hope this year turns out fantastic.

Well my gf finaly returned on friday. Along with her return I got some new gifts/toys. One of the things I got was a JXD 301 mp4 player. My feeling about it are really mixed at the current time (i'll explain more later). My second new toy is a iQue Player. The N64 geek in me is foaming at the mouth to play this thing but sadly I can't at the moment. :( The included AC adapter is 220v input ONLY. As well the Output is 5v (I have an AC adapter that could fit but it's 9v output). I was looking online at thesourcecc (formerly radioshack canada) but adapters are a little steep. They do have 1 that might fit the bill (3v-7v, supports 5v, and outputs at 2200 mA which I need) but it's $50. So I think I will wait a few days/week to see if I can find something better.

Christmas break was not as productive as I had hoped. I got tons of DD hacking done but still stuck at a massive brick wall. I hope once I get that resolved then the flood gates will open and I will have tons of new material to work with (like sample read/write commands). I also spent some time over the holidays working on a small psp puzzle game for kicks but I never got to finishing it.

Work side, 2008 will hopefuly be my big year when I FINALY get a comercial PSP game out (due novemberish). So I look forward to discussing this further when it's near launch (as well as give a copy away). The first game I was working on was due in 07 but it got cancelled early on (technicaly I was on engine development and not game but meh).

Well thats it for now. I plan to post progress of DD stuff as it happens as well as my adventures into the JXD 301. Hopefuly once I get an adapter I will also get some shots/video up of my iQue.

January 7th, 2008, 15:30
Oh, would this (http://www.voltageconverters.com/itemdesc.asp?CartId={008F6475-B75C-41FF-8200-71625E913B2EVEREST9}&ic=VC100W) work?

January 7th, 2008, 15:54
Oh, would this (http://www.voltageconverters.com/itemdesc.asp?CartId={008F6475-B75C-41FF-8200-71625E913B2EVEREST9}&ic=VC100W) work?

Looks like it could plus they ship out of montreal.


January 7th, 2008, 15:57
No problem :D

January 8th, 2008, 17:28
Hehe, No need for that thing anymore. I found an old Linksys power cable that fits the bill (5v, negative outside, right plug size).

Here is my post on another forum (too lazy to retype)
So I got to play my iQue last night. First impressions is this unit rocks. It's got to be the coolest plug in TV system. The controller kind of feels like a dreamcast controller but with xb360 trigger buttons (not the triggers bu the ones above them). It took a few seconds to get use to the different placement of the Z button but after a few seconds it was quite nice to play with (unit is not all that heavy).

Sadly I have some disapointment in my exact unit. It's not new at all. It was either a unit used in the store, a used unit sold to the store or an employies old unit he sold. I say this because besides Dr. Mario, there was zelda and it had about 3 saves on it (2 were pretty far in the game) as well the 3 demo were used up.

This is another disapointment. It's not like the demo on iQue are a simple "Play for 1-4 mins then it resets." No it's actualy only lets you play for 1 - 4 min (maybe hour, not sure) and then the game is locked up for good. Waverace was & starfox were 1m/h and Mario64 was 4m/h.

Still on the bright side at least my flash had Zelda in it (along with Dr. Mario which I got the game manual to).

Anyways I'll get to some pictures of this thing sometime this week. Man I really hope by chance I can collect the other game manuals/box. As well maybe find someone who has an extra flash cart with more games on it.

January 8th, 2008, 17:30
Anybody currious. Here are some videos of iQue games in action. They are pretty much n64 games with the game translated to chinese. This device was officialy from nintendo (and quite well built).


January 11th, 2008, 01:44
you say your gonna do some jxd301 devving :)

it sure needs some decent emu ports :)

the ique is awesome, shame u cant put your own games on it, my GBA site has pics and a review of it

January 12th, 2008, 20:11
Yo yo,
Just a quick update.

Not a whole lot new has happen on my side. I've not touched JXD 301 coding yet since I am waiting for any release that allows me to run code on the device. If nothing shows up by mid feb then I will try looking into it my self.

ATM i've been spending some time researching more into the iQue. So far this unit is really cool and had massive potential. Shame it's pretty much dead now. I think last game came out in 07 but thanks to iQue[at]home, they could still release a game or two but I dout it. All time is probably focused on getting iQue Wii out as well as continual push of iQue DS.

I have been putting some time into FF2 Anniversary for PSP as well as Ape Quest which came out on thursday's update of PSN. Looking forward to Pixel Junk Monster PS3 next week (it supports remote play).

Thats all for now.

Oh, after spending some time in though. Something I think would be awsome to see on the PSP is some form of Custom Robo HB (homebrew). Like people can build their own battle arenas or robots. Set their skills and do online battles (or local ad-hoc). That could be something nice (tho I dout it ever will be done, ***ing crapy lua games).

January 15th, 2008, 02:57
***K ***K ***K.

I got word from a friend he might have found what we were looking for to progress DD emulation but ***k. someone informed me on this long long ago and I though it was for something unrelated. So sadly i've posibly been sitting on the answer i've been needing for some time.

Ugg. :(

I'm gonna go chear my self up by screwing around with zelda OOT (want to see what dd calls it makes on boot).

January 15th, 2008, 11:28
Ooooh, Zelda + DD, an interesting combination :)

January 15th, 2008, 17:18
Ya, um....maybe I could take a peek :p

January 17th, 2008, 17:10

God I need more sleep sometimes.

No worth wild news on my side. I did some poking into Zelda and it's a strange game. It checks for the DD differently then F-zero or the IPL. Have not gotten anywhere with it tho because my stupid anti spyware app keeps always making me aprove the app to run when I modify the code (it changes the .exe size) and if I dont respond quick enough then Visual studio times out and I am stuck with a exe running I can't kill nor be able to continue debugging with visual studio (untill I reboot). Damn :(

Small other news, I'm still in love with my iQue. I got to play a little more of zelda and was able to beat the deku tree (so I have the green stone).

Nothing new about the jdx 301.

I recently started thinking of a new game idea (yeah, long before I even fished ones I was working on, yet again). God I wish I had an artist who could do the style of art I wanted. I would be able to do so many cool concepts with out getting bored of the one i'm on due to me wasting so much time thinking out the art style or trying to build up temp art to even code. :S

January 22nd, 2008, 04:16
Forgive me n64 gods for I have sin.
(see attached images)

Sorry but I just got bored and I have had this cart of Banjo-kazooie for quite some time. I found it for cheap at a local ebgames (like $10 i think). My n64 is japanese so it wont fit. I wont dare take apart my n64 since I want to keep it in great shape (i bought it a while back when I got my n64DD so i can hack the system).

On the brighter side, I'm getting two more n64 games in the comming months. I am finaly getting Mario64 Shindou Edition which was a re-release of mario64 in that included rumble support and voice overs (jpn launch M64 lacked voice overs that the usa version recieved). I actualy already have WaveRace64 Shindou Edition but still lack a rumble pak. :( Maybe this is a reason for me to get off my ass and get one or atleast get Starfox64 with rumble (ebay has one). I'm also getting animal forest for n64. I actualy quite liked playing animal crossing on gamecube (not so much the DS ver). It will be fun to see the differences between the gcn and n64 version (i read a few online).

On lighter notes I started french class at work today. Quite fun I must admit. French in high school was a total bore and the private tutor lessions I had in the past were not very fun since it's just me and the tutor for one hour. This class was more interactive with group games. Looking forward to my next class next week (they are 3 hours long).

As for coding. God it's hard to focus on one thing at a time. Discussion of Max Payne 2 on neogaf almost sent me into a crazy idea last night to try making a clone for psp (hell i did iris which was on the right path, just needed more work). Bad idea over all tho since I still want to do puzzle games ATM. Maybe i'll reconsider this idea again after I finish my puzzle games.

Erm thats all for now.

January 24th, 2008, 08:58
Forgive me n64 gods for I have sin.
(see attached images)

Sorry but I just got bored and I have had this cart of Banjo-kazooie for quite some time. I found it for cheap at a local ebgames (like $10 i think). My n64 is japanese so it wont fit. I wont dare take apart my n64 since I want to keep it in great shape (i bought it a while back when I got my n64DD so i can hack the system).

On the brighter side, I'm getting two more n64 games in the comming months. I am finaly getting Mario64 Shindou Edition which was a re-release of mario64 in that included rumble support and voice overs (jpn launch M64 lacked voice overs that the usa version recieved). I actualy already have WaveRace64 Shindou Edition but still lack a rumble pak. :( Maybe this is a reason for me to get off my ass and get one or atleast get Starfox64 with rumble (ebay has one). I'm also getting animal forest for n64. I actualy quite liked playing animal crossing on gamecube (not so much the DS ver). It will be fun to see the differences between the gcn and n64 version (i read a few online).

On lighter notes I started french class at work today. Quite fun I must admit. French in high school was a total bore and the private tutor lessions I had in the past were not very fun since it's just me and the tutor for one hour. This class was more interactive with group games. Looking forward to my next class next week (they are 3 hours long).

As for coding. God it's hard to focus on one thing at a time. Discussion of Max Payne 2 on neogaf almost sent me into a crazy idea last night to try making a clone for psp (hell i did iris which was on the right path, just needed more work). Bad idea over all tho since I still want to do puzzle games ATM. Maybe i'll reconsider this idea again after I finish my puzzle games.

Erm thats all for now.

Now you have the cartridge from inside the plastic it should fit! :D

January 29th, 2008, 17:41
Uggg. I hate being sick.

I had the flu since wednesday of last week and now i'm still a bit sick (I cough a lot). God i'll be quite happy when i'm over this crap. :(

Other then that, I started *again* to write out a design blueprint for a new engine. My simple 2D engine works but it not enough. So I am rebuilding an engine from scrach that will properly work across PSP/OGL so I can hopefuly get crap done faster. Interesting enough i'm giving up on 2D again (cant do 2d with out a *!@#ing artist) so hopefuly I can do some fun little 3D work (i'll post pictures when ever I get something cool running).

One last thing, Thanks to a coworker I am now playing Me & My Katamari on PSP. Such a fun little game to play.

February 13th, 2008, 06:38
ok is monkey64 dead or you didnt get the cold out of your system cause there has not been one post for like 16 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused::confused:

February 15th, 2008, 18:11
Sadly enough. I'm still sick which sucks so badly. I am mostly over it now but still feel a little crappy (and every once in a while i get a fevor again). ARGGGGGGG

Oh I got something interesting to show off this weekend. I did a demo for my gf for Valentines day but since she is so busy with school we are not celebrating till this weekend (i'm making her cookies!!! plus I got some flowers yesterday). So I gotta polish it up tonight but i'll record some video of something I threw together over the past two days. :D

BTW, Thank you for questioning my well being. I was starting to think nobody gives a crap if I continue to post here. Which makes me a sad monkey. :(

Glad to see people still read this section.

February 17th, 2008, 08:43
Sadly enough. I'm still sick which sucks so badly. I am mostly over it now but still feel a little crappy (and every once in a while i get a fevor again). ARGGGGGGG

Oh I got something interesting to show off this weekend. I did a demo for my gf for Valentines day but since she is so busy with school we are not celebrating till this weekend (i'm making her cookies!!! plus I got some flowers yesterday). So I gotta polish it up tonight but i'll record some video of something I threw together over the past two days. :D

BTW, Thank you for questioning my well being. I was starting to think nobody gives a crap if I continue to post here. Which makes me a sad monkey. :(

Glad to see people still read this section.

glad to hear that its working out i got a gf but we might slplit up i thought she was right for me :cool: anyways besides that lol i thought that you were in hospital or sumfin ...........

anyways im telling ya that i think strmnrmn quit he has been inactive for about 4months now no update or any little post :/

oh and guys man start posting in psmonkeys thread or else lol he might just give up :(

February 18th, 2008, 16:54
oh and guys man start posting in psmonkeys thread or else lol he might just give up :(

Its not that I given up, i can't post my work online due to my contract with work. Sucks because since I have access to devkits I probably could write something pretty damn nice (in terms of a 3D game or n64 emu).

February 18th, 2008, 20:10
Its not that I given up, i can't post my work online due to my contract with work. Sucks because since I have access to devkits I probably could write something pretty damn nice (in terms of a 3D game or n64 emu).

Would you ever consider reviving Monkey64?

February 20th, 2008, 03:59
Would you ever consider reviving Monkey64?

Maybe but definantly not while at my current job.

It also depends if I agree with how far strmnnrmn gets (if he gets about what he is now with only few games having moments at full speed and nothing entirely fully speed, then yeah i would redo m64 again).

February 20th, 2008, 09:18
lol please start back on monkey64 ill give ya 10$ :)

February 20th, 2008, 14:38
lol please start back on monkey64 ill give ya 10$ :)

Gah, don't you get it. His contract forbids him to continue his work on his projects.

February 23rd, 2008, 01:10
Gah, don't you get it. His contract forbids him to continue his work on his projects.

lol man i have a job contract and i break the rules do i get fired no do i have a 120,000$ yearly salary yes

and strmnrm might have quit due to 5 months of no feedback or any logins on any of his accounts though his r14 release willbe in april2007 his audio improvments will be ready and super mario 64 will run full speed with sound maybe he as also stated that zelda oot will not be improved due to different sumfin im not sure but i really want zelda oot working proper :(

guys im starting a n64 emulator using ports anyone interested to join you are welcome

February 23rd, 2008, 04:24
Maybe but definantly not while at my current job.

It also depends if I agree with how far strmnnrmn gets (if he gets about what he is now with only few games having moments at full speed and nothing entirely fully speed, then yeah i would redo m64 again).

Why dont you, StrmnNrmn, the authors of UltraHLE, PJ64, 1964, and Corn (little chinese guy in a corn field xD), work on the best N64 emulator. EVER.

If only that could happen :(

February 27th, 2008, 09:04
Why dont you, StrmnNrmn, the authors of UltraHLE, PJ64, 1964, and Corn (little chinese guy in a corn field xD), work on the best N64 emulator. EVER.

If only that could happen :(

man that could never happen since all of these guys have different ways of programming it will never mix .... :( yes if only there were a way :o

March 6th, 2008, 11:39
All of this has been discussed many times before, it would probable do more harm than good to this type of project because only StrmnNrmn knows how all of his emu. works.

Hope your all better now Monkey, no word from you in a while. How did the demo go? did you get a video?

March 9th, 2008, 21:01
If anybody cares. Today's my birthday. I'm a wopping 25 years old today (yes, i'm young).

Also I am no longer sick now. YAY (well a week ago but I still had coughs here and there).


As for sudgestions about breaking work contract, it's quite conflicting thing to do when
1) My homebrew got me my job in the first pace (iris specificaly)
2) I work on PSP games at work (due nov 08)

Sonicboy 101
March 9th, 2008, 21:06
Happy birthday man! Have a great one. :thumbup:

March 17th, 2008, 02:52
I'm a week late, but have a HAPPY FU*KING BIRTHDAY man!