View Full Version : MGS5: Ground Zeroes PSN pre-orders come with Peace Walker HD

March 12th, 2014, 20:40
any have taken issue with Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes's steep price of £19.99 - £29.99, but Sony is sweetening the pot (http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2014/03/12/pre-order-metal-gear-solid-v-ground-zeroes-ps3-get-peace-walker-hd/) by allowing PSN pre-orders of the game to come with Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD.Unfortunately, the PS4's EU PlayStation Store doesn't even have Ground Zeroes available to pre-order, so it looks like this offer is PS3-only - though we're checking with Sony to get confirmation that this isn't also coming to PS4.All things considered, this is still a pretty sweet deal. Since Ground Zeroes is a direct sequel to Peace Walker, it's the game most vital to playing before this impending release. I found Peace Walker a noble experiment for the series and noted in my Metal Gear Solid HD Collection review (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-11-16-metal-gear-solid-hd-collection-review) that Peace Walker HD was "not quite as memorable or surprising as its console counterparts," but was "nevertheless a welcome change of pace that complements its console brethren well."This promotion is only valid until MGS5: Ground Zeroes launches on 20th March.http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles/1/6/6/1/9/7/2/13946461695.jpg/EG11/resize/600x-1/quality/80/format/jpg
