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July 28th, 2005, 02:50
Hi, i'm pretty new to the emu scene but have got the NEOCD emu working on my psp and love it. But my ickle 512 mem card can't keep up. Does anyone know why the mame emus went dry in June and whether there's any news of newer mame emus to play large roms on (esp Shock troopers). That would be wicked

July 28th, 2005, 02:54
Nobody knows when the programmers are going to update. Heck, I don't know when Scorched will be updated, and I'm the only programmer for the thing!
Anyway, I hope they do release an updated version. Maybe something that plays the Konami platformers of the early 90s (TMNT, Simpsons, XMen).

July 28th, 2005, 03:00
yeah, i would love to be able to show off to my mates and brother that i have all those rad arcade classics we used to play as kids on the piers and ferries. Is it potentially possible for those kind of arcades to be emulated?

July 28th, 2005, 08:56
Have you ever thought about makeing a worms type game for psp?
I would look into it myself but im already working on another game, I just cant find the time.

July 28th, 2005, 10:38
Isn't there a worms game already coming out for PSP? Don't want to make a Bejewled / Polygon scenario.
Plus there's the fact that I've never played Worms, so I'm not sure what it's like.
Right now, though, work and Scorched are keeping me busy enough.

July 28th, 2005, 11:13
Isn't there a worms game already coming out for PSP? Don't want to make a Bejewled / Polygon scenario.
Plus there's the fact that I've never played Worms, so I'm not sure what it's like.
Right now, though, work and Scorched are keeping me busy enough.

Well I had heard somthing about a worms game comeing to psp. As odd as it may sound to some people. I have become strictly homebrew, I dont play comercial games anymore for the psp. For one rason they keep sending out garbage. And what there is out there worth playing forces one to update. Yes im awear there is a way around the forced update to play psp umds but so far there just havent brought out anything that doesnt pale in comparison to homebrew in my eyes. Untill they do im not going to line sonys pocket anymore then I have too :rolleyes:

Besides people can say what they will about somone going strictly homebrew The bleeding hearts can wine and say im takeing money away from $ony by not buying there games for psp. But $ony got there money from me when I bought my psp. One is not obligated to buy games from them to enjoy all the psp has to offer I wouldnt think:p

"Shadowprophet" Cause he still wants to see a homebrew version of worms, which btw if you havnt played a worms game your missing out bro :p