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View Full Version : Killzone for real?

July 28th, 2005, 23:12
I just saw the trailor for the ps3 killzone, and they say it is actual gameplay, with all the HUDs off. is that really true?

July 30th, 2005, 00:42
nope, according to GamerTV (on Bravo 2 weeks ago) it is FMV

July 30th, 2005, 06:17
well it must be some what good

July 31st, 2005, 22:08
the trailer was pre rendered using all in game assets.

smoke, fire, character models, environment, all were in game assets, it was just pre rendered because current dev-kits didn't have the needed power to run it in real time. The kits at E3 only had 75% cell power 256megs of ram and an nvidia 6800 ultra graphics card. It was a video made to showcase what the hardware will be capable of.

I am betting it will launch after the PS3 spring launch, probably christmas of 06. with halo 360 releasing the same time as PS3, it would be wise to release at christmas after everyone is burnt out on halo 360.

what do you guys think?

August 1st, 2005, 11:54
i don't trust sony, they have a history of over hype and showing videos and pics that there hardware, once released,can not do. (everyone thought that the ps2 was so much more powerfull than the DC, but in the end it clear that there is not much difference in it, but it was too late evey one bought into the hype machine)

i waiting till once the machines are released and see what that can do and not what they claim they can do!

August 4th, 2005, 00:48
PS2 is a difficult machine to program for so it will probably never reach it's full potential. But it wasand is a very powerful piece of hardware it's just hard to develop for.

This will hopefully be solved with PS3 with it's great middleware