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View Full Version : PSP Wireless Security Still Broken

July 28th, 2005, 23:16
PSP Vault (http://www.psp-vault.com/) posted this news:

One of the things many of us looked forward to for the firmware 2.0 release was WPA support. Finally, those of us who don't fancy having our wireless networks broken into would be able to use our PSPs to get online. (For those of you who don't know, anyone can connect to an unencrypted access point and potentially make illegal use of it, or access your file shares. WEP can be cracked in a matter of hours. WPA is the only safe setting for wireless networks.)

The good news is, at least the web browser that's provided with the 2.0 firmware can connect to WPA networks. However... if you put any of your game UMDs in and start them up, you'll first see the new 2.0 firmware connection screen. Then you'll find that despite that, any WPA network in your list is greyed out, and cannot be connected to. Meaning your only options are, as before, to make your wireless network insecure, or to not play online. It is likely that future games will make use of WPA, but all current games look to have been left out in the cold.

When asked for comment, Ken Kutaragi responded, 'well, they'll just have to buy new games!' He then laughed all the way to the bank.

Seems the new Firmware 2.0 update has its problems already.

July 29th, 2005, 00:28
IS there ever gonna be a firmware where that has sms capabilities, like text msges on phones. that will be so fun when your at school, or else where, and people that are in your wifi signal reach, you can send text messages?

July 29th, 2005, 03:14
... what a jerk. Trying to laugh it all off.

July 29th, 2005, 23:06
mybe he didnt understand? heh