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View Full Version : Riptide GP2 brings six-player split screen to Xbox One

March 20th, 2014, 22:38
http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/adam/be532196dddf25359120b78edce8d275/RiptideGP2_SShot_Jump.jpg (http://www.joystiq.com/2014/03/19/riptide-gp2-brings-six-player-split-screen-to-xbox-one/)
Back in my day, we squinted at a small square of GoldenEye on a cathode ray tube and we liked it.

Split-screen multiplayer gaming may have diminished in light of the internet connecting us with hurtful, bigoted strangers, but it does creep into modern games on occasion. The makers of Riptide GP2, a futuristic watercraft racing game picked up through Microsoft's indie games initiative, have opted to split the screen up to six ways in their port for the Xbox One. If you don't have six controllers handy at home (you don't?!), you can swap out local players for online ones.

Riptide GP2 comes from portable platforms, having done a successful circuit on iOS, Android, Windows 8.1 and Kindle. The Xbox One version - more akin to the current Steam version – will ship with 24 tracks and a host of customization options for your rocket-powered hydro horse.

Beyond its predilection for screen fragmentation, developer Vector Unit is known better for its work on Xbox Live Arcade's well received Hydro Thunder Hurricane (http://joystiq.com/game/hydro-thunder-hurricane).
