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View Full Version : Dark AleX Custom PS3 Firmware possible?

January 11th, 2008, 21:39
Im sure many of you who own a PSP and the staggering success of the Custom Firmwares mainly by Dark Alex must wonder like most of us is a PS3 Custom Firmware Doable and can it have the features and more what the PSP version has, imagine a Custom firmware that allows you to play your PSP, PS1 and PS2 games and emulators and homebrew on your PS3.

What are your thoughts on Custom Firmwares on the PS3?

January 11th, 2008, 21:44
Wraggster you asked the question I have been dying to ask others aswell!


I would personally donate money if I could run homebrew ie. SNES on the PS3... PS3 COULD BE THE EMULATION CONSOLE of our dreams with its 40gb HDD, wifi, six-axis ... i mean just take the current homebrew on the PSP and multiply it by like x50 and you got homebrew on the PS3, blazing fast, internal storage, wifi, 4 player input, adhoc, wowzers!!!!

Besides the annoying Linux way... Linux emus atm are slow and buggy... we need genuine homebrew :) I hope someone can ask DAX if he can look into it.... im sure all the head emu sites (qj, dcemu, ect) and all his loyal fans could donate him money to buy a PS3 they droped in price soo much .... but i dont think money is an issue for DAX though and theres another reason for him not buying 1....

Only main issue could be PSN fw updats, if ur not on the newest 1 = no online play or PSN .... which could be bad.... this CFW would have to be like done like X360 iXTREME fw (however it is done)

Illegal Machine
January 11th, 2008, 21:58
well, Im not sure if its even possible...

I mean, we know what goes into PSP hacking, and creating a custom firmware..

would it even be possible to accomplish without a valid exploit?

are there any exploits in the 2.10 PS3 firmware? I would love to see it happen.. Id LOVE to be able to play all the PSX games Ive made for the PSP on the PS3 as well...

however.. would that also mean that we would be able to play backups of PS3 games from the XMB?

and would it ALSO mean that anyone can install the playstation store downloads for free?

would you expect to see emulators and other programs that take full advantage of the PS3 hardware? and would you also expect for whatever programming GOD that would accomplish this arduous task to also add in a SDK for developers?

because these are the amenities that the average custom firmware user enjoys on their PSP currently, a goal of COMBINED EFFORT on the part of Humma Kavula, Booster, and DarK_AleX which took the better part of 2 years to perfect... With the help of hundreds of beta testing forum members reporting glitches and making requests...

dont you think its asking a little too much?

January 11th, 2008, 22:22
Booo. I clicked thinking that there was actually news of a CFW from DAX for the PS3. =(

January 11th, 2008, 22:36
Doable? Maybe. Will it ever be done? Probably not.

-The PS3 is quite expensive, and to hack it would probably require a hardware modification, making would be hackers hesitant to mess around with something that costs 400+ dollars.

-The Cell has an SPU designated for the purpose of security. Perhaps the Cell wouldn't even allow this to happen to begin with through a software modification.

-Would it be worth it? If hackers made a way to do it, I might buy another PS3 for this purpose, but I wouldn't use my main PS3. No doubt the day when this does happen, Sony may take drastic measures (banning of online accounts, disabling things like Home from working if the firmware is hacked, etc).

This isn't a problem on the PSP which has a very small online presence. But the PS3 is online the instant you turn it on and login as a user. If the security SPU has a way of sending data about what the "BIOS" loads and checks it somehow, Sony may be able to implement a system that disallows PS3 online game access by checking the data the SPU checks/stores.

If it happened I might go for it, but I would seriously think twice about putting it on my main PS3.

January 11th, 2008, 22:47
If the PS3 does get hacked and gets homebrew, it will probably be due to a modchip. I'm sure Sony will protect the PS3 from hacks as much as they can, to prevent it from being so widespread like with the PSP.

January 11th, 2008, 22:50
I just want to play emulators on mine without switching to Linux. Speaking of Linux, I have to install it on my PS3 again, is there a recommended version of Linux for PS3 out there?

January 11th, 2008, 22:55
Fedora or Ubuntu Linux are good.

January 11th, 2008, 22:59
Fedora or Ubuntu Linux are good.

I'd stick with Yellow Dog personally. Sony "hired" Terra Soft to make an optimized version for the PS3, that will work right out of the "box", no fuss. And Sony also hired the same company to make a special PS3 Developer Environment for Yellow Dog (it will probably work on other linux distros however).

And, should we ever get 3d acceleration access or other features that benefit linux, it will probably be made for Yellow Dog first (or only).

January 12th, 2008, 00:15
I think the biggest exploit may come straight from either the memory card adaptor and a modified version of memor32 or a simple boot dvd that can write files from sd right to flash :)

a man can dream? cant he?

January 12th, 2008, 00:21
This thread title is so misleading.

Change it.

Mister Klownes
January 12th, 2008, 00:54
As unlikely as I believe it to be, I must say, if it were to happen, D_A would move past the stage of just being homebrew hero, champion of the PSP, I think he would be elevated to some manner of console God and be deemed worthy for worshippers, and possibly a harem of naked women dancing around him at all times. If he thinks it's even remotely possible, I'd be willing to donate some cash to his research fun

January 12th, 2008, 08:09
This thread is too misleading :|

Yes, it's possible. Will we ever see it though? Not likely - the PS3 firmware hasn't even been decrypted yet.


January 12th, 2008, 12:52
DA seems the most qualified to do a CFW for the PS3.
It will probably take the efforts of more than one person to find an exploit but who knows...
Obviously an exploit for the PS3 needs to be found.
A dump of the firmware is needed and not hard to get with an infectus chip.
That firmware needs to be decrypted.
Then flashed back to the PS3.
In all of that many secrets about the PS3 would uncovered in the process.
To date the PS3 is the most secure IP delivery system on the market.
Recently Sony has blocked RSX access in 2.10
This might be incentive for the truly skilled to start looking at the PS3.

January 12th, 2008, 15:58
I think that the PSP and/or Home could possibly help out with this problem. Using the PSP to connect with the PS3 and exchange information during a game may help find an exploit, especially when in-game XMB is avaliable to use. That and the loading of media from Home may work as well to identify an exploit.

I would absolutely love to see it happen though.

January 12th, 2008, 20:09
I just have to say, imagine every console emulated perfectly (except 360).

January 12th, 2008, 20:26
I just want to let devs know id be willing to give 10,000$ to the dev that can make a custom firmware for the ps3 for the work involved. I honestly dont think anyone would put that amount of time and effort into development though.

January 12th, 2008, 20:49
It would be nice to see a CFW for the PS3 but I can't see DA on the PS3 Scene he is still on the PSP scene he should move on. But it would be nice if something comes up

January 12th, 2008, 23:24
Thanks $n!pR, F9zDark. I'll stick with YDL if it's the only one being supported by directly by Sony.

January 12th, 2008, 23:34
Thanks $n!pR, F9zDark. I'll stick with YDL if it's the only one being supported by directly by Sony.

No, no, no, no.

Go with Ubuntu with the custom ps3 2.6.23 kernel.

WiFi support, bluetooth support for (SIXAXIS), Blu-ray support. Its really the way to go.

January 13th, 2008, 01:45
Triv, if it has SIXAXIS support, can I use it in place of a mouse? I'm waiting for my new one to come in.

September 5th, 2008, 09:05
I was capable of download 2 internal files from the PS3 by using the Browser.


Tryed editing them all that show is ????????
only onething was readable ELF in the file entry.

December 26th, 2008, 19:00
Im no programmer but have frequently benefitted from dark alex's work and instruction, he is already a gaming god and a true testament as to why i can hold 250+ psp games on my harddrive, if anyone can do it alex can, come on out of the shadows bro and unlock the PS3 for us all!!

All Hail the Dark one!!

Peace Y'all:):rofl:

January 9th, 2009, 01:58
yes, i am DYING to buy some ps2 DDR games, my ps3 is not backwards compatible and the ps2 DDR games have HUNDREDS of songs rather then the $60 40 song version that i had to buy for my 360! >: (

June 1st, 2009, 22:46
Well to be honest Dark Alex has made Sony loose millions and millions of dollars. Its completly bad and unfair. But since his already hacked it, let it be.
PSP GO is coming out. I hope he cant hack that nor the PS3. If he does, then sony is going down. We cant afford to see that happen. If only sony made games affordable, that would fix the problem.

June 2nd, 2009, 20:34
Well to be honest Dark Alex has made Sony loose millions and millions of dollars. Its completly bad and unfair. But since his already hacked it, let it be.
PSP GO is coming out. I hope he cant hack that nor the PS3. If he does, then sony is going down. We cant afford to see that happen. If only sony made games affordable, that would fix the problem.
3 things

1. games just cost that much to make sometimes
sometimes a game that sells for $70 new cost $65 to make, ship and get on the shelves at your local retail store

2. DarkAleX and his glorious firmware arent the only ones costing sony money
places like "Gamestop" that sell used games alot, are doing it too
sony (and other developers) make no money when you buy a used game
so if your options are "buy used or download" because you dont have the cash, then you might as well download, then you're only hurting the store, and the store has enough money

3. you posted on a thread when the last post was in january
read dates before you post idiot