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View Full Version : A confused member back from August

December 5th, 2004, 06:29
Okay, I've tried this a few months back but it hasn't worked.

Okay, I'm trying to get DreamSNES to run on my DC, and I'm doing everything right, and then it comes up with the menu screen, nothing else. I've read most of the tutorials and checked to see if my DC is compatible with CDR discs. This is where it gets confusing, I really have no idea how old my DC is. And another thing, a few people have said it's something the writing program puts on the disc that tells the DC it can't run it (in other words the Dec 2000 thing is not true.

Now can someone tell me which is right and which is wrong.

Thanks for any help.

December 6th, 2004, 07:23
This article (http://consolevision.com/dreamcast/tuts/buying/) is correct. Most of the others you'll see are not.

December 6th, 2004, 07:41
as a test, download one of the great " ready-to-burn" images from www.dcevolution.net and see if u can get that running. 99% its bacause the user has burned the Cd wrong (or useing a very cheap/crap Cd-r, or trying to use a CDRW, CDRW do not work)