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View Full Version : Teaser suggests The Predator will soon stalk Call of Duty: Ghosts

March 27th, 2014, 22:43
http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/adam/75f15a7bbb19aa668aa7e81184195617/predator.jpg (http://www.joystiq.com/2014/03/27/teaser-suggests-the-predator-will-soon-stalk-call-of-duty-ghost/)When Activision releases the Devastation (http://www.joystiq.com/2014/03/06/call-of-duty-ghosts-second-epic-dlc-pack-hits-xbox-live-on-a/) DLC for Call of Duty: Ghosts (http://www.joystiq.com/tag/call-of-duty-ghosts/) on April 3, the addition may include a familiar face - or, more specifically, a familiar shimmering outline.

If you pay a visit to the Call of Duty Instagram account (or click through the break below), you'll find a short teaser (http://instagram.com/p/mDb8yxSp0q/) clip that bears all the familiar hallmarks of the extraterrestrial hunter first made famous in the 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger action classic Predator. The vignette depicts a humid jungle, a crashed helicopter and the familiar staccato clicking of that film's titular creature. Though we're never given a good look at The Predator, the clip ends with a visually distorted, nigh-invisible creature rushing toward the camera.

While the inclusion of a classic cinematic monster might have seemed odd a few months ago, Call of Duty: Ghosts has been gradually moving away from strict realism and into the realm of pure entertainment spectacle. TheOnslaught (http://www.joystiq.com/2014/01/27/tour-the-new-maps-in-call-of-duty-ghosts-onslaught-dlc/) DLC pack, which debuted in January, brought horror icon Michael Myers to the shooter, while the game's ongoing Extinction (http://www.joystiq.com/2013/10/28/alien-hordes-join-the-fight-in-cod-ghosts-extinction-mode/) DLC storyline pits human soldiers against hordes of aliens in the wastes of rural Alaska.
