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View Full Version : Recommended Homebrew Games

January 17th, 2008, 06:26
I am looking for some interesting homebrew games to tryout on the DS...there are so many and I am not going to check out EVERY ONE! Recommendations? thanks!

January 30th, 2008, 19:22

There's a massive list of stuff on the wikipedia page, stuff I recommend is the megadrive emulator (no sound unfortunately) DS organise and world of sand for a laugh. Also found something called pocket physics which is pretty cool, but cant remember the site. Should find it if you google it.

January 31st, 2008, 01:05
stuff I recommend is the megadrive emulator (no sound unfortunately)
As of jEnesisDS v0.6 which came out a few days ago, this statement is now false. Happy Genesis/Megadrive playing!

I'd recommend Pocket Physics, TetattDS, Warcraft Tower Defense, World of Sand, Moonshell, DSOrganize, LMP-ng, and a couple web browsers like DSHobro and Bunjalloo (or use DSO's built-in one).