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View Full Version : About AES4ALL & MAME4ALL romsets...

January 17th, 2008, 20:24

I would want what versions of romsets I must use for the emulators MAME4ALL and AES4ALL???

thanks very much to Chui for his great work !!!!!!

I would like to test SNK vs Capcom Chaos, KoF 2003 and Samsho 5, metal slug 3, but I don't understand how that works to modifed the roms

thanks for advance to help me...

PS : Sorry for my worst English:p

January 18th, 2008, 20:02
Here's some help with MAME4All:


...and AES4ALL:


I would recommend Neo4All/CD for most games and AES4All for games that weren't released for NeoGeoCD.

Huge games like SNK vs Capcom or Metal Slug 3 don't perform perfectly on AES4All because the games need to load from CD all the time.

January 19th, 2008, 15:56
tanks for your response, but I have lot of roms Neo Geo AES and CD that work perfectlly but my request is espacially for this roms :

- Kof 2003
- Metal Slug 3
- Samsho 5
- Sengoku 3
- SNK vs Capcom Chaos
- Strikers 1945 Plus
- Waku Waku 7
- Super Dodge Ball
- Shock troopers 2

I've tried with an old set of neorage and MAME version 0.80 but that don't work to convert this roms

can you help me