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January 19th, 2008, 06:40
I have complaint, And a lot of people aren't going to like it. But its high time someone said something.

Final fantasy,

A name held in high regard across the board. Id like to show you all something,


What you see here is a pic of Final fantasy the legendary first game of the series a true classic.

This series this beloved favorite, is in danger. But unlike the panda I don't believe there is hope for this one. How did we go from this


To this?


And this

and this

and this

and what the hell is this?!!

I could go on.

Final fantasy is a commercially massive name and we all know square is capitalizing on that. but aren't you sick of Final fantasy "insert real game name to be replaced with final fantasy logo to drive sales figured up here" By now

Chocobos mysterious dungeon, ehrgeiz,dirge of cerberus. final fantasy x2, Hell final fantasy eleven wasn't even a final fantasy, They take the knight online engine modify it throw in some chocobos and call it a fricking day!! WTF!!

This all leads to a point.

There was a time when final fantasy meant something special. But the name itself has become a juggernaut. Selling unto its own brand. But does having a final fantasy logo on the box art and splash screen make it a true successor to the lineage of gaming we remember? Did slapping the final fantasy logo on ehrgeiz make it not suck?
Did slapping the name on dirge of cerberus help the sales?

And for that matter did attaching the final fantasy seal of approval on "star craft the movie" make spirits within sell?

Sigh. Its time for me to hang up my final fantasy gloves for the final time. Final fantasy, Finaled its last fantasy with FFx since then the traditional turn based rpg formula has been removed and the series has become an action hybrid basterdization of what final fantasy used to be.

To me final fantasy has died, Its transformed from something special. into a take no prisoners commercial juggernaut. But whatever.

I think i'll go slap the ff logo on some expired milk and sell it on ebay for a fortune.

Peace out,


Cap'n 1time
January 19th, 2008, 10:25
ahmen. let the ff series die already.

January 19th, 2008, 12:37
As long as people buy, the series will live...

January 19th, 2008, 14:44

don't buy them
play the games you like
be happy

usually works.

i would argue that the actual FF series has been fun, not the best games, but i thoroughly enjoyed FF X and even FF X-2 was entertaining. FF XII was also a treat.
There are plenty of much worse games which go through the same stretch, but if it sells then why bother complaining.

Remember, if you are voicing an opinion you are in a minority.

January 19th, 2008, 17:33
ahmen. let the ff series die already.

...what I've been saying for years. FF is no longer an RPG. RPG's nowadays give you choice and the such. Not a horribly made turn-based battle system. I consider gameplay to be > story. if you want both, go get mass Effect or TotA.

And all the extra crap they have done for a quick dollar really shows Square's fun side.

P.S. Ergheiz sucked.

January 19th, 2008, 19:01
o_O I agree with Accordion here. And also consider, what's the point in keeping things "the same"?

The Wii is nothing like the original NES. Does that make it inherently bad? And look at those images on screen!! So much wrongness compared to the NES!

It branched out, yes. But everything does. That's life. And nature will take its course when they branch out too far. Like empire-building, there's an upper limit to how far you can go. People will press the boundaries, find it doesn't work, and then retreat to where they were before. But I refuse to believe that this 'change' is inherently bad. They still release good RPGs, so who really cares if they also release other games on the side?

For the record, you can't count Chocobo's Racing, Dungeon, or Ergheiz; they were games that inclueded FF elements, NOT FF games. =p Ergheiz for the arcade didn't even have the FF characters, it was just an add on for the PSX.

January 19th, 2008, 20:07
the older final fantasy games were fun.
i havent played anything but the rpg ones.
anything that branched off of it like the chocobo ones, i havent played.
and i havent played anything past X-2 besides dirge. but i didnt beat them both. cause they both werent worth it.

Cap'n 1time
January 19th, 2008, 22:21
I guess I'm just a fan of older RPGs. I did like the tactics branch of FF and would love to see more of those games. I also did like VIII as the story wasnt a lame attempt at recreating the already lame VII storyline. My favorite was IV, and I loved V and VI as well, but I really miss some of Squares other classics that didnt see sequels. Bahamut lagoon was crazy cool as was Xeno gears (they sort of ****ed up Xeno Saga). I wish square would experiment more like they used to and quit repeating the same crap with a new storyline about some pretty boy who's saving the world or whatever.

January 19th, 2008, 23:50
What square really needs to do, is revisit the chrono franchise. A franchise with as much draw and influence as final fantasy ever had, And square lets it sit on a shelf and collect dust, pft. :(

January 20th, 2008, 02:30
Final Fantasy is the game that saved Squares ass from being financially bankrupt. Amen.

January 20th, 2008, 03:04
kingdom hearts helped them not lose money too.

January 20th, 2008, 03:07
I don't like how they took the game and made so many crappy off shoots of it, like you were saying. However, I think that the main FF games, not off shoots, are still good but veering away from the classic FF style.