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View Full Version : PSP-HUD v1.31

January 22nd, 2008, 21:06
News/release from Darko79:

This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.80M33-4 (update 4 is required) that displays some basic info on screen:
- CPU speed and CPU usage
- BUS speed
- battery status (percent and time left)
- local time

Put hud.prx and hud.lang in seplugins directory on your PSP memory stick
and append ms0:/seplugins/hud.prx to vsh.txt and game.txt files.

Default configuration is to show CPU speed, battery percent left and local time in bottom right corner.
Default button setup is:
- NOTE+LTRIG to access configuration menu.
- NOTE+RTRIG to turn HUD completely ON/OFF.
When you exit menu configuration will be automatically saved in ms0:/seplugins/hud.cfg
If button configuration is changed and you can't enter menu anymore (or can't rembember) delete hud.cfg and restart PSP.

Known problems:
Display is not perfect and is usualy best shown in bottom left or right corners but it really depends on program or game running.

Version History:

January, 18th 2008. v1.31
- updated for 3.80M33-4 (actually droped previously used NIDs for 3.71 and now using NIDs from pspsdk)
- new translations: german (two translations), dutch, italian, spanish, polish and turkish

I won't be accepting any more translations and I'm planing to drop translations for future versions (it's easier for me).


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January 23rd, 2008, 02:20
Yes finally an update.

Too bad it do not appear in psx emulation. Hopefully 3.80-5 will solve it

January 24th, 2008, 20:50
what is the note button??? I just got 3.80 m33-5 but I donno how to turn the menu on

January 25th, 2008, 01:44
note is the music button next to the brightness or screen button

January 25th, 2008, 03:25
awesome... now how do you append files???

January 25th, 2008, 06:03
simple.. just copy the seplugins to the roots of your ms.

turn off your psp

turn on your psp (hold the R button) to go into recovery

go to plugins and enable both hud.prx [game] and hud.prx [vsh]

exit and that's it ;)