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View Full Version : Which Mame EMU to use for Power Fighters and Power Battles

August 2nd, 2005, 17:18
Ok I assumed Capcom Mame would be the MAME to use here as I am trying to do my review on the MAME Emu's and using PSP MAME Capcom Version but low and behold its not on the premade list.

So maybe someone who has tried this can tell me the correct PSP MAME to use for Mega Man Power Fighters and Power Battles.


August 2nd, 2005, 17:23
Mame 0.71 seems to try to play them, but not very well.
see what you think

August 3rd, 2005, 01:28
I did not see it on the list of games supported in the PSP News section.

Am I missing how to add games to the list? Just curious here as Mame and Me.... well we never really did much of anything together until now lol.

August 3rd, 2005, 01:30
I did not see it on the list of games supported in the PSP News section.

Am I missing how to add games to the list? Just curious here as Mame and Me.... well we never really did much of anything together until now lol.

i downlaoded it from a different site, maybe i got a different version. i don't know :confused:

August 3rd, 2005, 01:37
hmm let me check psp2dev and see what it has I have the emu for snes2p and the other running now

August 3rd, 2005, 01:42
hmm let me check psp2dev and see what it has I have the emu for snes2p and the other running now

i got banned from ps2dev. so it couldn't ahve been there i downlaoded it.

August 3rd, 2005, 01:44
lol and it was not the site I was thinking of.. hmm what r someothers I mainly stay here