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View Full Version : SAMBA now included in DSLinux

January 23rd, 2008, 21:15
Sonny Jim posted this news:

I've just finished porting SAMBA to DSLinux and it should be showing up on the official builds on Kineox shortly. This will allow you to connect to your DS using standard Windows Networking.

To enable, first get wireless working and follow the instructions here. To connect to it via Windows you can (reportedly) go to Start->Run and type in:


And enter in root/uClinux as the username/password. The password is held seperately from the system password and can be changed using smbpasswd.

Please note that this will probably require a supported RAM expansion in Slot-2.


January 23rd, 2008, 22:15
Man, I've got to get a slot-2 card sometime. I would love to have Linux on my DS. This sounds awesome.

January 24th, 2008, 03:49
Just tried it out a bit myself. I had to get inetd working as per the DSLinux Wiki instructions, but after that it worked fine. Connecting to the DS and displaying the folder list was rather slow, but sending files worked well. Reading from the DS is slightly faster than sending files to it in my experience.

At the very least, it'll make a decent replacement for DSFTP, even if it's a bit more work to get it launched correctly.

Akoi Meexx
January 24th, 2008, 04:08
Samba for DSLinux...
Now that, is insanely Sexy™.

January 24th, 2008, 12:52
DanTheManMS: Could you tell me what hardware you are using? It seems that this update breaks things for a lot of people so I'm glad to hear someone got it working!

EDIT: Rev 2113, which should fix the problems people where having:

January 24th, 2008, 21:31
Could you tell me what hardware you are using?
Seems to be ok running on my M3 Simply (with an M3 Lite for RAM expansion) and accessed from XP Home.

The DS didn't show up on my Windows Wireless Network though so I've still some samba configurations to setup/test.

January 25th, 2008, 05:52
I'm using a Supercard miniSD, so it should function about the same as your Supercard SD. Glad to hear you got the device compatibility issues fixed nonetheless though.

January 25th, 2008, 16:32
Though most Mac users probably already know this, you can connect to a samba share from the "Connect to Server" option on Finder's Go menu. To connect to your DS, you would type:
