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View Full Version : I found this while surfing...kinda interesting PSP w/ WoW?

August 3rd, 2005, 04:34
This website I go to often to check out this guys latest comics. Great artist..but I found this article on linked to his website here:


Click above for the full article with pictures. Was kinda cool!

July 22, 2005
Thanks to a little app called Portable VNC for the PSP, you can now remote desktop into your Mac from your PSP. So.... for me, just playing with the OS is not that much fun [yes it is cool, but games are better :) ]. Let's see what it is like to play W.o.W.

MMM..... well you can't :) It is way too slow at about 1 - 1/2 fps. You really can't do anything. I first tried walking around one of the big towns, but with the low frame rate, by the time I stopped moving, I was nowhere near the place I wanted to be. So I was thinking I could use it to farm the auction house. But again, it was just to cumbersome. After much thought, I could only think of ONE use: if I was waiting to get into an instance and wanted to chill out in my living room instead of at my computer, I could glance at my PSP to see when it was time to go and play.

A little video to show the fps one the PSP

By now, some of you might be asking how well does this work with the OS? Well, not bad—besides the fact you can't see your mouse :). Other than that, you can see and play with the OS just fine.

What you will need to do this:

A PSP with firmware 1.5 ( not 1.5.1 and 1.5.2)
portablevnc On the PSP
A Mac running OSXvnc

How to:
1. Install portablevnc on the PSP. It is very simple to do. Just follow the instructions.
2. Open up OSXvnc.app and give your Mac a name and a password. Then hit start.

Yeah, that is about it!! The only thing that was a little out of the ordinary was on my PSP, I had to set the network setting by hand. PortableVNC does not work well with DHCP.

Posted by macomadmin at July 22, 2005 07:57 AM

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August 3rd, 2005, 15:28
heres my ultimate goal... FFXI ON PSP... cuz i aint buying an xbox360 il tell u that right here and now

August 3rd, 2005, 15:30
heres my ultimate goal... FFXI ON PSP... cuz i aint buying an xbox360 il tell u that right here and now

Whys that?

I'm there the first day.

Gears of War(whenever it's released?) is gonna ROCK!

I just found out now I'm over 200 posts :cool:

August 3rd, 2005, 16:24
I must agree although I will be keeping my modded XBOX I will be buying a xbox 360

August 3rd, 2005, 16:29
I have 2 modded Xbox's and I'll never get rid of them....never.

August 3rd, 2005, 16:36
I have 2 modded Xbox's and I'll never get rid of them....never.

1 modded, with a whole lot o movies. never getting rid of either

J sims
August 3rd, 2005, 19:59
I plan to mod my xbox when I get the new xbox360 so i don't miss out on my xbox live subscription.

August 3rd, 2005, 20:17
am already using that ;) doesn't work quite well tho, the refresh rate is too slow and even if the 3D gfx is rendered by your pc - you still see some under layers of the objects (I dunno how to describe this)


August 3rd, 2005, 21:09
This will be great if someone worked on this to make it run perfect. Just imagine how cool it will be to play WoW anywhere in the house (A new game to play while on the toilet :) )