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View Full Version : DSOrganise v3.2

January 29th, 2008, 00:05
Dragonminded (http://www.dragonminded.com/?loc=ndsdev/DSOrganize) has released a new version of the excellent PDA and More Software for the Nintendo DS:

Heres whats new:

Fixes found in 3.2
* Added multi track support to SID files (finally!).
* Added support for the gbs file format.
* Added confirmations to text editor on save or exit.
* Added /describe to irc.
* Added basic cookie support.
* Tied Y to the stop function on the web browser.
* Changed IRC receive mode to hopefully squash memory error.
* Changed internet enabled applications to allow downloading/processing while the lid is closed.
* Decreased memory footprint to allow larger images to load again.
* Fixed annual dates causing every day to underline in some cases.
* Fixed e^x freezing in some instances.
* Fixed inconsistent save message on scribble screen.
* Fixed IRC bug that appeared while typing with fixed width irc.
* Fixed aac/mp3 streams skipping sometimes.
* Fixed bad font characters in the smallest font.
* Fixed a html rendering crash with css pages.
* Fixed random crash that happened when switching tabs in web browser.
* Fixed garbage display in hbdb if you cancelled the list then pressed left or right.
* Fixed graphical issues with themes loaded.

Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

January 29th, 2008, 00:34
I think there is a bug with file renaming in browser. I cannot use the cursor to move left or right anymore.

January 29th, 2008, 02:30
Meh, this new version is quite buggy, pretty much any page with slightly large images (i.e. bigger than icons) crashes the browser. But file saving is improved, now it doesn't always exit when you save and instead gives you an option to continue or exit.

January 29th, 2008, 02:37
DSOrganize crashes much more often on audio streaming from internet radio than 3.1.
Also, it says that internet enabled application would continue downloading when lid is closed. The problem is when I play a *.pls playlist containing an internet radio, it doesn't refill the buffer when it runs out of data.

Other than that, excellent application !

January 29th, 2008, 18:47
Hoping thatthis version will solve the consistent problem of DSO eating and or corrupting files on my SDcard(so far DSO is the ONLY program that acts wonky for me...other than general oddballness caused by the fact I use a GnM card).

I'll give my oppinions after I've given it a few days to check for bugs.

January 29th, 2008, 20:55
this is the best ds application ever !

January 29th, 2008, 20:58
I love DSO, especcially the improvements on the browser. ;)

January 30th, 2008, 03:40
I figured out how to use the loader and now I bypass GnM with DSOrganize. It's great, aside from the extreme loading times.

January 30th, 2008, 14:41
Hm... normally I love DSO, but now. It's still too buggy. The Bu in file renaming, then a bug, while scrolling on short .txt-files.
I hope that's getting better next time...

January 31st, 2008, 00:26
I get the Guru message.

Sometime when browsing I get the "Red Screen of Death".

I would recheck, by patching it myself and trying again incase their was corruption with the autopatching on my R4.

Despite that it seem's to load faster. Especially Images and larger ones.

January 31st, 2008, 02:25
GnM user

Red Screen of Death when web browsing

Occasionally thigns won't load properly(google, plain pages taht SHOULD work fine, and do on occasion)

DSO eating text files(which is bothersome to me because I use the thing to write with!)

the settings reverting(and even reverting to stuff that are default despite the fact i'd manually changed the config file before loading it on my card).

Randomly deleting material(its gotten alot less of an issue, but its still there.

Not saving downloads from the database to the card media without manually moving it(which is chincy because if you use dso for memory intensive things and try switching apps...it stalls and or locks out giving an out of memory error message).

Other than all that, its awsome.....

January 31st, 2008, 18:38
I cant seem to get it running on my m3 real anyone have the same problem. Had the older version working fine but this dont even pass the dancing cow (WHO IS AWESOME! GO COW GO)

January 31st, 2008, 18:50
Another bug is the shift key on the virtual keyboard keeps missing the input unless you hold it down longer. Before I could just tap the shift key just like any other key. Now I have to slow down my typing if it includes capitalizing words.

EDIT: nevermind. It's because the default click is set to double tap instead of single tap. I set it back to single tap and it's back to normal for me.

February 17th, 2008, 16:08
I am doing my own icons for it at the moment and i have made some drag icons for the config screen but you can only do have 6 when there are 10...why..?

February 19th, 2008, 13:34
I think Dragonminded ( or better Shaun Taylor) is very angry now... You can see it at the page of the feedback form

February 19th, 2008, 22:37
I think Dragonminded ( or better Shaun Taylor) is very angry now... You can see it at the page of the feedback form

It say's "Go away. I don't want to hear from you."[1]


[1] http://www.dragonminded.com/?inc=ndsdev/DSOrganize%20Feedback

February 20th, 2008, 22:10
s'been like that for the past month(at least).

February 21st, 2008, 01:08
how did u bypass gnm with ds organize plzz tell me

March 8th, 2008, 21:38
i seem to be having a problem with the mp3 player/browser that i dont think i had before.

i can open music files(mine are all M4A)
and they play fine.

but when i shut the DS, it stops playing and goes into sleep mode.

anything i'm doing wrong?

anyone know how to fix this?

note:if it helps, im using an R4DS, and an old DS(not lite)

March 8th, 2008, 21:53
The general consensus is that this version introduces some major bugs, so you should use the birthday release instead.

March 8th, 2008, 21:53
That isn't a bug. This "problem" is there since DSO 1.0 was released.

March 9th, 2008, 09:10
i think i found out what the problem is anyway.

when the lid is shut, it will only play music through the headphone port.

which is what i wanted it to do anyway.

March 22nd, 2008, 23:08
I'm a big fan of this project, but I do have a few suggestions. I've found that a page with a lot of images, such as a game tutorial, will overload the system fairly quickly, if it's possibe, could you make it an option open each pictire by clicking? Also, a downloader that automatically unzips files would be nice.

March 23rd, 2008, 12:02
It would be nice if the ram packs were used when avaliable!

March 23rd, 2008, 19:43
i remember seeing a little message at startup saying "external ram detected!" however, now it doesnt say so... could this be a bug in it's detection, or does it just not state that its their anymore?

also, i cannot use the browser, all i get is symbols and question marks.


March 24th, 2008, 03:04
dragonMinded has given up on this project, and i think that he will never make a new version again. the people on #dsorganize really pissed him off. 3.2 is not a stable version, but the last version was the most stable.

March 24th, 2008, 13:47
dragonMinded has given up on this project, and i think that he will never make a new version again.

What!? DSO was the best homebrew application...
I hope that (maybe some other programmers) could continue this project.

May 20th, 2008, 19:39
im totally new to this stuff...my x gf brought me a ds lite for my bday present jus last weekish...nd i hav never even playd a ds or psp at all...nd i got readin nd found out bout this stuff...

wat my problem is internet...if neone cn i need lyk a guide or sumthin on how it works or how to get it workin...

i hav a ds lite with a m3ds real is slot 1 with a 1gb micro sd in it...nd on that all i hav so far is...

- dsorginize 3.2
- beup live 0.3
- m3ds real system software (which is sweet lol)

nothin in slot 2 yet im tryin to get my hands on a m3 lite but cnt seem to b able to find one...newayz if neone can help me plz...could email me if want at bee.james.0903 [at] gmail [dot] com

thanx :)

May 20th, 2008, 23:33
I love DS organize. It is the handiest thing, that I have ever put on my Flash card. The main bug that I noticed with 3.2 was after changing mp3 tracks and closing the lid, it sometimes skipped and crashed the program. I went back to the previous version, and have not had any problems yet. I am sorry to hear that the creator is ditching his project, as it is a work of genious, and his program has benefited the homebrew community greatly. No program is without its bugs, and this one is far better than the majority out there.

May 21st, 2008, 03:08
I agree, I just got wifi and started really using DSO. Between file management, downloading files and decompressing with DSCompress, I barely need my computer to use homebrew.
DSO even helped me to get DSLinux w/wifi up and running on my GnM with no slot2 memory. I've been using DSlinux with a telnet client to play my favorite old MUD(multi-user dungeon).
Anyway DSO is one of the greatest apps on the DS.

May 21st, 2008, 22:53
hey can someone pre-patch it for the max media dock?
im horrible at patching...

May 22nd, 2008, 00:33
hey can someone pre-patch it for the max media dock?
im horrible at patching...

This is both the MMD version and GnM.Just use the MMD zip.

You really should learn to patch even though DSO does it for you.

Use DLDIrc

Install it and choose your Device during installation(MMD). After it installs, it will associate any .NDS file. From then on you can just right click and choose DLDI patch MMD.

May 22nd, 2008, 04:44
thanks! (im having some trouble with the web browser) but its the best app ive ever seen!

May 24th, 2008, 04:46
Try the previous release, known as the "birthday release" which is known to be less buggy with the web browser.

May 25th, 2008, 20:54
where can i find the download? (thanks)

May 25th, 2008, 21:07
where can i find the download? (thanks)

Click on the underlined "Dragonminded" in the first post, and scroll down to version 3.1129 (the most stable release).

May 25th, 2008, 22:13
ok, i downloaded it and the same thing happend in the web browser, i type in the URL to any site and press go and a message on the top screen appears and says "the server sent an incomplete reply back. this can usually be fixed by simply refreshing the page. this can also be caused by file corruption or a bad DLDI driver.

what does that mean? (i already patched DSO with DLDI

May 29th, 2008, 11:14
oh!quite great

May 31st, 2008, 17:40
icefox do you know what to do?

May 31st, 2008, 18:06
the one w/ the best web browser is version 3.1 or 3.05

July 12th, 2008, 23:57
does anyone know what free file handles are? when i use the browser for like 2 minutes it says dso has run out of free file handles and then it freezes. also when i try to run a game it says my dso is not patched but it is patched its patched the same way i patched everything else and it all works fine

September 1st, 2008, 13:40
Dso 3.2 don't work correctly :
- Web Browser don't work
- The files is not correctly saved -.-"

For fix this problem :

Launch DSO 3.2 with your OS
Open DSO File Browser and launch DSO 3.2 with 3.2
