View Full Version : Will You Need the Windows XP Black Market?

April 7th, 2014, 19:58
As Whoever57 pointed out, there are some who will still get support for Microsoft Windows XP (http://news.slashdot.org/story/14/04/05/0134230/uk-government-pays-microsoft-55m-for-extended-support-of-windows-xp) — the 'haves'. However, most will be the 'have nots.' Anytime you have such market imbalance, there is opportunity. Since Microsoft clearly intends to create a disparity, there will certainly be those who defy it. What will Microsoft do to prevent bootleg patches of XP from being sold to the unwashed masses? How will they stop China from supporting 100 million bootleg XP users? And how easily will it be to crack Microsoft's controls? How big will the Windows XP patch market be?"There are a lot of businesses still on Windows XP; if you work for one of them, will the official end of life spur actually cause you to upgrade? (And if so, to what?)
