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View Full Version : Microsoft comments on rumour and speculation

January 31st, 2008, 18:13
via Computer and Video Games (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=181087)

Microsoft has said it has no plans to "develop Halo Wars for Windows Vista at this time", in response to yesterday's gossip.

Rumour circulating yesterday suggested that the Xbox 360 RTS would be confirmed for PC at next month's GDC in San Francisco, and that Microsoft would be including cross-platform support in the game.

But not so, according to the company. Who doesn't comment on rumour and speculation.

"Halo Wars is being developed from the bottom up for the Xbox 360 and its control scheme to ensure that we deliver a groundbreaking console RTS experience," it has now told IGN.

"Given that, we have no plans to develop Halo Wars for Windows Vista at this time."

Yesterday Microsoft told us it didn't comment on rumour and speculation. Come on ladies and gents, make your mind up.