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View Full Version : Nintendo's mysterious new patent

February 1st, 2008, 19:02
via Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=91860)

Nintendo has registered a patent for what looks like a series of casings in which the Wii remote can be slotted to create a new peripheral.

As spotted by 22hundred.net, the patent document refers to "A video game controller for a video game and a receptor assembly" and "A receptor having a shape substantially similar to a component appearing in the video game."

That sounds the Wii Zapper, you might think, the bit of plastic that turns the remote into a light gun. And indeed, the document states, "The receptor may be a gun-shaped sub-unit."

But have a look at the drawings included in the patent. They show all manner of casings which could be used to hold the remote.

Some of these make instant sense, like the tennis racket, baseball bat and fishing rod. But what about the bicycle, motorbike helmet and chair? Not to mention the teddy bear, which looks familiar. And is that some kind of virtual reality headset? Please, not that again.

Course it could be Nintendo's just trying to prevent other companies creating such peripherals, rather than working on plans to do so itself. But you know.

wiggy fuzz
February 1st, 2008, 19:18
*refers to the drawings* isn't that a gamecube?

February 1st, 2008, 19:56
Yeah, the first drawing is of a Gamecube.

February 1st, 2008, 21:08
Oh my god, they're making plastic rackets for it.

February 1st, 2008, 21:46
If they are by nintendo it looks like they are just going to make officail versions off all the thirdparty stuff you can get now.

Safari Al
February 1st, 2008, 21:52
Shrygue went ahead and attached this pdf document containing the pictures of the new patent, so the clueless/lazy one's could see ;)